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Aspiring philosopher king. Archivist. | pfp: @realspacekraken

Feb 16, 2023, 19 tweets

Okay give me like 10 minutes lol.

Nvm I'm an idiot okay 8 minutes.

You too can learn to code by going to bigdigenergy.info. :) Step by step baby.


PS: If you're like a pro at Python you're going to think it's rudimentary and basic. Yes. I know. It's for rudimentary and basic people like me.

I've been waiting to updates parts 2 and 3 for when Twitter, once again, changes access levels to their API. But we'll find a workaround because fuck paying for anything like this ever.




Last but not least, Mr. 300k tweets himself lmao. This one might take like 10 or so minuts.

Again, I laid this out literally step by step on my website. If you don't know squat about any of this, IT IS OKAY. You can still do it. 10/10 would recommend. <3

No paywalls, no ads, no nothing. If you feel like it you can always send me a fiver, but we don't play that game round here.


I just know this man has some skeletons this is taking forever.

Finally checked back and 200k tweets only got us back to 2010 lol. Running a second scrape of the rest of it. Lord.

Ding fries are done. LORD this will be fun.

I just realized how dated my "ding fries are done" references I AM ANCIENT.

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