You too can learn to code by going to :) Step by step baby.
PS: If you're like a pro at Python you're going to think it's rudimentary and basic. Yes. I know. It's for rudimentary and basic people like me.
I've been waiting to updates parts 2 and 3 for when Twitter, once again, changes access levels to their API. But we'll find a workaround because fuck paying for anything like this ever.
Last but not least, Mr. 300k tweets himself lmao. This one might take like 10 or so minuts.
Again, I laid this out literally step by step on my website. If you don't know squat about any of this, IT IS OKAY. You can still do it. 10/10 would recommend. <3
No paywalls, no ads, no nothing. If you feel like it you can always send me a fiver, but we don't play that game round here.
When navigating this site/app, you may want to drill down your search in specific ways. While many are aware of the provided advanced search fields, there are additional options that are incredibly powerful.
Here are some of my favorites:
(I'll be using the word "Palisades" for most of my examples.)
1. Searching by URL
If you are searching a word or phrase, you can narrow down results by added URLs.
When Patrick Bet-David held a donation to Laken Riley's family over their heads trying to entice Shapiro and Owens to have a monetized debate on his channel, that should have told everyone all they needed to know.
You don't understand how long I've wanted to have this conversation. People weren't ready before.
Puerto Rico is an island built on top of garbage and is overflowing with it.
Okay, now he was talking about me.
About a year ago, we did several digs into engineered landfill, trash disposal, and the "green equity" programs that have people buying homes on top of land covering buried trash.
I have an autists's knowledge of garbage problems, domestic and abroad. Let's dance.
I saw a random Youtube comment the other day that said, "If you want to better understand the Haitian migrant problem, look at how the Dominican Republic has been dealing with them."
I wrote it down and finally got around to it yesterday, and this is what I've learned:
The 2nd-term president of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader was re-elected in May.
One of his main platforms has been building a border wall and expelling "hundreds of thousands" of Haitians in the country.
He overwhelmingly won his second term.
“The message from the results is clear, the changes that we’ve made are going to be irreversible,” Abinader said. “In the Dominican Republic, the best is yet to come.”
Despite his 250-mile long border wall being labeled "Trump-like", racist, xenophobic, etc., by human rights groups around the world, the domestic support for these measures have been significant.
Last year, the Dominican Republic expelled around 175,000 illegals.
"Very busy day today for the mule team as well as the home team!! We had very little service all day. Please know that every minute we can, we are answering and acknowledging messages, so we do appreciate your patience until we can answer yours! Your support and love has been incredible, and is fueling us to accomplish as much as possible in 24 hour periods!!"
"Today started early, as we convoyed up to Black Mountain to restock the mule team. Our son Zack, and one of our cowboys, Slim, joined the mule team today to bring some extra hands and support for what was expected to be a grueling day. That also gave us extra hands to get the amazing amount of supplies purchased, donated, and collected to the mountain. We were not out of the trucks for two minutes before we had people coming to us that needed dog food. They were so appreciative of being able to receive it, and another shout out to Tractor Supply Co. for helping us get plenty of animal feed to the mountains!!"
We delivered multiple supplies like brooms, shovels, work gloves, grills, charcoal, headlights, batteries, tarps, and water filters...and also had a huge list of canned foods, homemade jams, peanut butter, protein drinks, baby formulas, diapers, wipes, feminine hygiene products, adult diapers, toothbrushes, toothpastes, crackers, backpacking dried foods, emergency foods, blankets, clothing, teddy bears (with a sweet note from a child donor), toilet paper, paper towels, water bottles, water jugs, hand axes, disinfectants, hand sanitizers, the list just goes on!!! One special donation yesterday was a big stack of bibles, and our daughter Faith wrote a message in the front, and underlined a verse in each one. (Psalm 46:1-3)