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Wife + Mom. Left-handed, Right-brained. Dancing on my own. Former: Peds ICU RN + Documentary 📸. Current: Investigator at @dailycaller.

Feb 16, 2023, 9 tweets

🚨🧵 Public Records show Rachel Levine discussing potential revenue and ROI associated with having a Gender Clinic Social Worker.

These emails from 12/2018 are between Levine and Rollyn M. Ornstein, MD.

Rollyn was affiliated with Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital.


“I am trying to convince the administration about the need for a MSW position specific for the imminent Gender clinic, I am trying to put together a presentation re: potential revenue, including downstream.”


“You should be able to fund a MSW for evaluation and therapy for pediatric and adolescent patients in a program such as you do for the ED program and is done at CHOP. Pre surgical consult for patients under 18 will most likely be limited to FTM Top surgery...”

Rollyn: “I am trying to give them some numbers to help them realize the eventual ROI for this necessary position. Even if the patients under 18 who go for surgery might be limited, the patients we start with will eventually be over 18…so I still think it’s worthwhile.”

Pediatric Gender Clinics may employ a social worker to help secure insurance coverage for gender dysphoric minors seeking surgical interventions, such as a double mastectomy. The CHOP Gender clinic describes the role of a gender clinic social worker in their 2021 report.

Penn State Health launched a Pediatric Gender Clinic in 2019.

The clinics coordinator is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.

The Penn State Gender Health Clinic offers puberty blockers, permanent hormone therapy, and surgical referrals (which are sometimes in network).

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