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Feb 17, 2023, 22 tweets

'The strongest is strongest alone'

A thread on dracule mihawk, making inferences about his character, possible future role and key dynamics

In a recent chapter of the egghead arc, when Zoro clashed with the mihawk seraphim, he mentioned something that struck me. 'you're not on his level because you still have life in your eyes'. This made me start to wonder about mihawk.

The saying the strongest is strongest alone Friedrich schriller came back to my memory, and from what we know of mihawk, seems to stand true.

From illustrations by oda of what mihawk looked like as a kid, we can perhaps infer that he lived a somewhat difficult life. This one illustration shows mihawk, as a child, sword in hand, as if to protect himself.

We can thus safely infer that the way of the sword is something that even as a child, shaped mihawks ideals and ways of life. Even from his first appearance with Zoro, he says that a good swordsman would be able to tell the strength of another without clashing

This shows that he not only sees the sword as a tool, but as a way of life, a mode of communication, a currency, if you will. It gets even more interesting when you remember that he was present at Roger's execution and kick start of a new age.

One thing to note was that the true significance of Roger's actions here was not necessarily to make people look for the one piece, it was to give people something the wg had longed snuffed out :hope. Hope, a sense of adventure and a dream to aspire to.

Mihawk was already known as a world class swordsman before the golden age of pirates, but we know that he becomes the very best one afterwards. Curiously enough however, he tells luffy that becoming the king of pirates is more difficult than surpassing him. Why?

Seeing Roger at the execution ground, as powerful as Roger may have been rumored to be, was nothing glamorous. He was chained up, head to toe, in some unremarkable town in the east blue. However through his words and him even smiling at his death, he saw a man who was fulfilled

As such we can infer that this gave mihawk added motivation. He went even harder at what he had dedicated his life to. The way of the sword became more to him, he challenged stronger and stronger opponents, hoping to find that same deeper solace, that 'thing' Roger was able to

In doing so however, he had completely become desolate from everything. Desolate from the world, desolate from any people and despite reaching the mountain top, getting there to find himself alone.

It is for this reason he took interest in Zoro. Many a swordsman had come and challenged mihawk. Young, old, looking to make a name for themselves. But Zoros strength in resolve, and pride showed that he aspired to something greater, just like he himself once did.

For this reason, he tells Zoro not to live too fast. He implores him to know himself and know the world around him. In other words, encouraging him not to make the same mistakes he did. In trying to blaze to the top, mihawk the person had basically 'died'

In trying to find purpose, he lost himself. It is fitting that his name is dracule, inspired by the sub human fictional character Dracula, and he lives on a wasteland, all used as tools to paint the narrative of the loneliness and detachment from the human world mihawk feels.

Seeing luffy as a result, peaked mihawks interest. So much so that he went to see shanks, his old rival. There was something he saw in him, that felt familiar. That ideal that made the king of pirates.

At marine Ford, he puts in effort to try to harm luffy to test out a theory of his. After this, he is proved right, as he realizes that luffy is indeed powerful and has the greatest power, which is to gravitate people towards himself ( early sun symbolism lol)

In other words, in his single mindedness to reach the pinnacle, mihawk had basically given up his humanity, reached the top and came out still unsatisfied. However, this is what makes his dynamic with Zoro even more interesting

When Zoro initially came to him to train him, he wanted to cast him away. However what swayed him was the fact that Zoro did what he did not for himself, but for his friend. Zoro, as prideful as he was, had not lost his humanity despite his resolve to reach the top

Mihawk as a person is who he is. He communicates with the sword, he has lived his life by the way of the sword,and in many ways has lost said humanity by the sword. There's a saying by miyamoto Musashi that a warrior is both an artist and with the sword.

Life is art in expression, but mihawk had lost sight of this aspect in his search for self actualization. Seeing Zoro make his way, with the resolve and strength of purpose, while retaining his humanity, gave mihawk resolve to train him even though it may mean his eventual death

In the end, it is a somewhat bitter sweet way for his life to end, but for once, he would be able serve as the brush on the canvas of another person, even if he was unable to do so on his. Therefore achieving true inner peace, freedom and self actualization.

On a side note, it's for this reason why he values attachments more, such as his time with perona. Anyways, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed and till next time.

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