pjw(AI) 🇺🇸 Profile picture
AI | USMC Combat Vet | Dad | Isaiah 40:31 Exhibited Paris, Beijing, Belgium, Sweden, LA, AZ, NYC, Miami IG: https://t.co/gdZTtt3nba FC: @pjw PPN AI Film 3

Feb 19, 2023, 17 tweets

Happy Sunday! GM ☕️
Week 7 #Tezos Purchase Review. 13 Wins this week. Not too shabby. Some great names, pulls from @tezvendmachine, grab from weak hands, and new discoveries. Gotta love the artist! Let's get started. Please ♥️Love♻️Share🫂Tag frenz. Be sure to check out artists.

@lulucool GM Fam
A new discovery artist for me. Part of my lucky pulls from the vending machine. I love the vibe of this. Looking at the artists other works I see wonderful reflection of the character to the art. Glad to have this piece and will be watching for more!

Speedway on Easter Island from @Earl__Reno has an interesting motion of lights. This was another pull from the vending machine. Great discovery! This creation feels like photography yet lighting repetition is rythmic. Great stuff.

@MadeAfterHourz and Circles.
Really fell in love with this piece. A vendingmachine discovery that is such a beautiful work. The composition has innocense with struggle across the image. Brilliant vision from the artist imo. Will increase awareness of these works.

KANE by @lisha_ruan A lovely AI generative work of art. The soft lighting and subtle motion of hair movement give character to the image. Interesting topic for the prompt composition.

A video presentation of information and education. Picked up this piece in the vendingmachine. Glad to have landed this in the collection. Wow....did you see the gas on that sucker?

Monolith Garden 3 from @shillypreston Honestly feel the environment in this piece. As someone who loves getting in remote places, I can imagine running across this setting, and not feeling strange about it. The light orange adds solid visual focus.

zah-nft.tez presents a Welcome. The motion in this piece is a characteristic not to me overlooked. File size was too large to share properly. References to Dali & Portrait of Mae West that can be used as a surreal apartment is brilliant. Great concept! Love it!

A Dark Place #11 @brandonmighty
This is a perfect compliment to A Dark Place #21 which I own as well. Signature style of this brilliant artist. Light, motion, mystery. The lighting affects are perfect from spotlight to flash & the echo against the trees & sky. Another Gem.

An artist that is top tier & an inspiration to my own creativity @underscore_xo delivered angel_of_the_abyss. The strong and stoic character of an angel that may guide others against the contrasting light between destinations. Always glad to own this artists work.

Invisible Agent from @_wyrden_ has a mysterious feel with an underlying message. The bold presentation of technology behind an invisible figure seems too accurate on some level. Thank you for this work. Proud to own it.

Welcome to My BiZarRe World @Demibot_Studio
I love the bizzare. This was engaging from the moment I say it. So much happenting with many questions to be asked. Surreal AI art can challenge our perceptions to engage in new thought.

Are you kidding me? I managed to grab ARCHFLEX02 & surprised it happened. @RexFlexasaurus NGL, this was my target & it happened. The color, lighting movement, and texture feel to the work is fantastic. File size too large to display properly. Glad to have this in my vault.

This morning @KernPhotograpy dropped this beauty Glacier Cave. Snatched it up as soon as possible. The scale & focus is inspiring. Great photography cannot be overstated. Ridges in the glacier, light reflection...spiritual journey for the subject, photographer, and viewer.

Thank you for joining me on the journey. For those that engage with me each week, Thank you. For those that support my art & creativity, Thank you. I wish you all the best. I wanted to share a few of my works this week so, please take a look as I continue this journey.

The Grand Prix racers & the MotoGP focus is on motion, & human response. Can you relate to the forces, angles, speed in personal experience or knowledge? This series & exploration of motion will continue into the next week. Check out the #tezos collection. bit.ly/3i2S830

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