Ritu #सत्यसाधक Profile picture
Civilizational Hindu activist/ #EqualRightsForHindus/Himachali/Activist/love being a mom/ RTs not Endorsement

Feb 20, 2023, 12 tweets

Bharatpur Case
Cattle Smugglers vs Gaurakshaks
What is the truth?

15th Feb,
2 cow smugglers Junaid n Nasir Khan disappeared from their villg in Bharatpur,Raj
Both left their home in Bolero
After 24hrs,their burnt dead bodies were found in Bolero at Bhiwani,Haryana

Junaid's family told police that they were kidnapped & mu₹dered by prominent GauRakshak dal leaders Monu Manesar, Rinku, Shrikant, Lokesh Singla, Anil Multhana
Pls note that all these five r very prominent &popular #gaurakshkas having done phenomenol work in stopping cow mafia

Shockingly Rajstan Police believed in whatever they said as Gospel truth & started to hunt these #gaurakshaks 1 by 1 in cahoots with Haryana Police

Monu Manesar a popular Hindu gaurakshak has single handedly challenged the notorious cow smuggling mafia of Mewat, Haryana.

Monu runs a cow vigilant group & protect cows from these j¡hadi smugglers
He issued CCTV evidence of being with his friends on 15th night
Rinku also gave proof that he was not involved but 4 some unknown reason Police just did not listen to them

Not only this, in a joint operation Rajasthan & Haryana police barged into #gaurakshak Shrikant's home, brutally thrashing his family, such was the brutality inflicted that Shrikants 9 month pregnant wife lost her unborn child.
+ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Evn till today it's not confirmed
- If Junaid & Nasir were murdered or got burnt in  a Car accident
- If they were murdered,who is really involved?These 5 gaurakshaks or someone else?
- Is it a communal or rivalry?

Yet entire media has already painted gaurakshaks as criminals

So whats the latest status? As per news and video clips.

- Police has allegedly mu₹dered unborn son of Shrikant & arrested his brothers

- Arrested Rinku, Police is now claiming that he has confessed to his crime. But is it a confession under torture or what?


Rajasthan govt has already declared ₹15 lakhs for Junaid & Nasir's family

- Worst, is that BJP govt in Haryana cancelled arms licence of all #Gaurakshaks

Was this all done after any primary investigation?

Why is Police trying to prove that only Gaurakshaks mu₹dered them?

All these actions of Rajasthan & Haryana Police & govts create serious doubts on entire investigation
Prima facie it looks biased agnst Hindus
Lot of people on ground r whispering that it's conspiracy to destroy #gaurakshak groups of haryana so that Cow smugglers can wrk freely

Recall brutal murder of gaurakshak Gopal in Palwal , Haryana by cow smugllers of Mewat? Not only this This mafia had made life hell of poor farmers
Haryana Govt failed to contain this mess

This gave rise to local hindu resurgence in Gurugram, Manesar, Palwal belt


Remember how namaj was stopped in gurugram by hindu groups? How Panchayats of manesar villages forced illegal bangladehis to leave?
Strong hindu activism probably made people in power uncomfortable, hence they did not take a minute to disarm hindus

Now question is if these Gaurakshaks r innocent, will they get justice in such hostile environment?

Will HMO step in and order CBI investigation?

Hindus on SM must unite and fight for justice and truth!

We must stand by our ground defence teams.


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