Early last year hindus of Bdudagavi village which is host to 13th century Suryanarayan Temple suspected foul play by ruling party
which put the temple under it's arbitrary control
Villagers convened a meeting under gram panchayat to save the temple
Resolution was passed with the intent to continue Temple maintainenence under the ‘Sree Suryanarayana Seva Samiti’ temple trust only without govt interference
Feb 25, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Modi govt forces IITs to hire on basis of Quota...
Finally Hisab Chuka scheme takes flight in job sector
Good luck GC Hindus
Here is link.. tfipost.com/2021/11/for-th…
Feb 25, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Warangal, Telangana
Meet Dr Preethi, coming from poor SC hindu family, worked hard & became a doctor
Today she is fighting for Life because her senior Dr Asif Baig was harassing & stalking her so much that she attempted suicide.
End of most hindu girls for rejecting a Mslm
Ek haath computer ek haath kitab soscheet vanchit pasmanda
"The Mohammadsn conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history"
Historian Francois Gautier
"The massacres perpetuated by muslims in India is unparalleled in history bigger than the holocaust of the Jews by the Nazis"
Feb 20, 2023 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
Bharatpur Case
Cattle Smugglers vs Gaurakshaks #Thread
What is the truth?
15th Feb,
2 cow smugglers Junaid n Nasir Khan disappeared from their villg in Bharatpur,Raj
Both left their home in Bolero
After 24hrs,their burnt dead bodies were found in Bolero at Bhiwani,Haryana
Junaid's family told police that they were kidnapped & mu₹dered by prominent GauRakshak dal leaders Monu Manesar, Rinku, Shrikant, Lokesh Singla, Anil Multhana
Pls note that all these five r very prominent &popular #gaurakshkas having done phenomenol work in stopping cow mafia
Feb 19, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Horrible news from Bhavnagar, Gujarat.
On Feb 10
Amin &
murdered of a 16yr old minor Hindu girl.
Radhika was hacked to death by mohammedan mob when she tried to save her uncle
9 days old communal murder has been white washed by media
Criminals have been arrested by police but why was these news totally suppressed by media on either side?
Such news from the non BJP ruled states make it to prime time debates but not when it's a BJP ruled state
Feb 5, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
RSS chief Bhagwat now attacks Hindu varna system saying it's the Pandits sho made jaatis not bhagwan
Whereas Bhagwan Krishna clearly says in Bhagavat Gita that he created the four varnas & four ashrams
Dear IT cell Troll,
Wanton destruction of pauranic hindu temples & age old traditions in kashi must be "cultural promotion" for chatukar wing not for hindu wing.
This wound will go unhealed for us.
We don't need Aurangzebs when we hv hondus like u
New year booze parties, Christmaz carnivals at ghats , cruise in ganga, disco lights must be cultural promotion for chatukar wing but not for dhanric hindu wing
You shamless people may justify converting of our most scared pilgrimage into tourist spot , we hindus won't
Jan 9, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Not just #joshimathsinking but four districts of Uttrakhand are in huge danger..It's the same belt where chaar dham project is going on!
50 houses in #Karnaprayag too have developed big cracks
Very worrying!
Himalayas are the cradle of hindu civilization & now under threat! twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
All construction activities in these four districts must stop immediately until expert committee doesnt look thru
Vikas at cost of our civilization, of innocent Iives is not vikas but vinaash
Dec 20, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
BJP CM Of Uttrakhand Pushkar Dhami inaugurates free coaching scheme for Minorities
Take vote from hindus, win elections then work for mzlms
LOL! #Thread
Read in this thread what all BJP govt is doing for Mzlms in Uttarakhand, the himalayan state.
New minority scheme for protection of minorities under "sabka saath, sabka vikas, sabka vishwas and sabka prayas '
Govt aim is to increase their rep in competitive exams
Nov 27, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
BJP Govt in Haryana had increased salaries of Imams in state this year August to Rs 15000 from Rs 10000
423 imams to get this benefit
How many hindu pujaris get salary in haryana? Zero
Story doesn't end here..
BJP govt in Haryana to spend money in renovation of 313 mosques..
How many Temples did they renovate? Even when Haryana govt has many temples under state control and take their hundi money
Story still doesn't end here..
Nov 26, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Horrid story of #LoveJihad from Bareilly, UP
21ur old hindu girl ran a beauty parlour ,two M sisters tarannum &
Gazala used to visit her as clients & befriended her
After few months they took the hindu girl to their home
What happened next is horrendous!
M sisters Tarunnam & Gazala tied down the hindu girl and made their brother Akleem Qureshi rape her
As he was raping ,they videograpahed the act to blackmail the hindu girl to do nikaah with their brother & convert to islam or else the videos will be published on Social Media
Nov 26, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Meerut, UP
Watch Hindu kids being forced to recite islamic prayers in a govt school
Same DNA is moving fast,very fast to make India Sharia state
While Hindus are busy in making money, enjoying life..
Sad end awaits
And hindus are busy clapping for their 56 lord
Nov 25, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
After taking over Air India,TATA has banned It's pilots and staff from wearing religious threads on wrists..which means no "kalava" allowed
Female staff cannot wear nose pins or mangalsutras
Every single one of them is suffering from deep rooted hate for hindus
Is that why @narendramodi govt sold of air india at peanuts to hinduphobic Tatas?
Nov 25, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Marriage is sacred and it has a purpose ..
Man and woman create and nourish a life together & make sure of the continuity of creation
Hindu life is based on framework of 16 sanskars out of which marriage btw a man and woman is a very imp one..
What purpose will G marriage serve?
If G marriage is legalised, the worst would be the kids they will adopt..
The whole system , fabric goes for a toss
This sect shud form it's own religion outside sanatan in India
They can have their own commune
Nov 21, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Yunus Ansari Chopped Hindu youth Vikas Giri into 80 pieces after for being in relationship with his sister
Yunus along with Sirtaj Mohd hacked vikas to death with a rod and then chopped him into 80 parts & threw in jungle
First Aftab now Yunus ,
first Shraddha,now Vikas
Forget 35, 80 is the new record..let's wait for next one..
Nov 19, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Not just out girls but "Shanti doots" are now targeting our boys too
Watch this story:
how ameenudin qadri of noorani masjid in Khandwaz, MP brainwashed civil engineer Akshay gaur againt hindu religion and made him read kalma
Fascist religions are pushing hindus into a corner