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Feb 21, 2023, 35 tweets

Dana Smith has gleefully harassed @gal_suburban & her family & started sniffing my LinkedIn 2 days ago. She is tight w/ the Eric Garland, Zev Shalev, Chuck Johnson (CJ), Keri Kukral crowd. CJ loves Matt Gaetz, & Gal has posted a lot of OSINT re: Gaetz. 1/

2/ My discussion w/ Keri Kukral (another Chuck Johnson associate) also was 2 days ago. I guess Chuck Johnson’s gang of “Democrats” didn’t like it.…


4/ This Chuck Johnson. He’s tight w/ Richard Spencer too.

5/ This Richard Spencer. FFS.

6/ Dana’s harassment of Gal included doxxing her and her husband and father and harassing her about her deceased daughter. These people are vile.

7/ Dana Smith loving on Chuck Johnson.


9/ If u are listening to Chuck Johnson and NOT @gal_suburban (who brings nothing but verifiable receipts based on OSINT), then you are doing it wrong.

10/ Dana thinks that Chuck Johnson is part of a good “Deep State” that will save democracy. You can’t make this stuff up. 🙄

11/ This is Dana insinuating something nefarious about a gift package made & paid for by Gal for a young girl to thank her classmates for wearing masks during the height of the pandemic to protect the girl’s brother who has a condition that made him xtra vulnerable to Covid.

12/ Gal lives in Matt Gaetz’s district which may be in part why Chuck Johnson’s gang is so threatened by her posts exposing Gaetz’s corruption & network.

13/ Here’s a video in which a commissioner in Matt Gaetz’s district thanks Gal (in yellow) for her Covid mitigation efforts, which inspired the commissioners to award grants to businesses & individuals struggling due to the Covid pandemic.

14/ Dana seems to have obtained the screenshot in post 11 from the long version of the video in post 13. In the video, the commissioner praised Gal’s Covid mitigation advocacy & project, which he says inspired their grants, but Dana omitted this part bc of course she did.

15/ This is the grant program that the commissioner says Gal helped inspire.…

16/ Dana Smith Dutra (associate of Chuck Johnson) falsely implies that PPE grants went to Gal herself (via Gal’s Mask Catchers project). Dana offers no proof bc it didn’t happen. The grants went to individuals (to pay Covid related medical bills) & small businesses. See post 15.

17/ More on the grants that were inspired by Gal’s (“Kennedy’s”) incredible advocacy.…

18/ That Dana Smith Dutra and Chuck Johnson wld falsely portray Gal’s (“Kennedy’s”) selfless advocacy (she made zero money off if it, instead spending her own money on it) as a grift is despicable and speaks to the corrupt lens through which THEIR allies operate.

19/ “Kennedy [Gal] says her motivation to do this came after she lost a friend to COVID-19.
Channel 3 shared 26-year-old Desi-Rae's McIntosh's story when she passed away in July.”

20/ “Having a purpose 4 ur child's passing is really important 4 that grief process & when I met Desi's dad, I just felt…compelled to walk w/ him through that process bc I've been there before & hopefully prevent other parents from having that type of grief experience," - Gal

21/ Gal sometimes uses her deceased daughter’s name, Kennedy, to honor her memory. Dana Smith Dutra & Chuck Johnson tried to turn this into something ugly which reveals the ugly in their own hearts. The 2d post below is from CJ. The 1st is Dana. Click to see whole screenshot.

22/ Another example of Dana Smith Dutra’s inhumanity. Can you imagine mocking someone about using their deceased daughter’s name to honor their memory? This is what she & Chuck Johnson did to Gal. The cruelty is the point.

23/ This is Dana Smith Dutra retweeting Tom Baer (who is frequently in their Twitter spaces) for the proposition that “Matt Gaetz has great patriots helping him.” The kenekoa account is frequently amplified by Mike Flynn & other #BigLie proponents.

24/ Chuck Johnson loves Matt Gaetz. He probably wants him to be governor of Florida.

25/ A screenshot from one of the Chuck Johnson/Richard Spencer spaces. Dana is included as a speaker.

26/ A screenshot from another Chuck Johnson Twitter space. Again, Dana is a speaker. Keri Kukral is a listener. Click to see the whole screenshot.

27/ Another Twitter spaces hosted by Chuck Johnson. At least one left wing influencer is listed as a speaker. 😢

28/ Zev Shalev helping Chuck Johnson “reinvent” himself.…

29/ Kerri Kukral boosting Chuck Johnson.

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