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I don't take the high road. | Archivist. | pfp: @realspacekraken

Feb 22, 2023, 18 tweets

Game on, Emily Kohrs.

God bless the internet.

The photo of her in a stage production of Compañeras is from 2011. Just for more context.

You can view if you have a subscription to newspapers here: newspapers.com/image/67663500…

For the record I just wanted to know who the hell the crazy lady in the interviews was. Make of all of this what you will, do your own research, and have a great Wednesday.

I both enjoy and dread when threads I put together get traction. My MO is truth, objective truth, and I already see people mischaracterizing what's been put here.

I wanted a scope of who Emily is. She is a former theater kid, work(ed?) in court reporting, is interested in pagan/wiccan/occult things, and has a relatively small digital footprint that I've found thus far.

If you like this sort of stuff, I have a show three nights a week where we deep dive into all manner of topics, people, etc. You are more than welcome anytime, and the link to the show is in my bio.

Also, since I’ve seen this misread quite a few times, she went to Columbus State University in GA. Not Columbia. And there’s a rather large difference. ❤️

Something kinda funny... in numerous articles she and the media talk about her sketches she did.

There's a corresponding Sketchbook Pinterest board of course.

If you want my honest opinion I think she's a fairly average 30 year old in America, which is kinda sad.

I think they're letting her go on a media tour so when everything falls apart they have a scapegoat.

I might be wrong. Just a guess.

Emily deleted her LinkedIn.

But the internet is forever.


Her Etsy is forever as well. Soz, Emily.

I doubt you're reading this, but if you are, reach out. Let me know who set you up to make this media tour. Inquiring bitches want to know.


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