Jenni smith ✊️⚘️🦇 🥷🇬🇧 🌸🌞🇪🇺🕊🐾 Profile picture
Now the grown ups are back in charge let's look forward to a bright future 😁 🌹

Feb 25, 2023, 11 tweets

I'm fucking outraged that it's even been suggested that Johnson may be planning a comeback, Tories think that's going to upset the woke left, they may be surprised to learn it's going to upset so many more people in this country,
Johnson who was fined for breaking his

own governments rules with party after party, I'm sure EVERYONE remembers #PartyGate, some say it was only a cake, knowing full well it was so much more, they we're the lucky ones, they didn't see their loved ones over zoom while they were dying
The only thing Johnson

was concerned about lockdown getting a peerage for Levedev why?.
It's an outrage that his name is even in people's mouths.
So many in this country lost loved ones while he ate fucking cake getting pissed out of his tiny brain, a man who couldn't even be bothered attend cobra

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