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Feb 26, 2023, 13 tweets

1/Yesterday #Solana had another 20 hour outage 🤯

Just one of about a dozen times the ⛓️ has gone down. But why? 🤔

All part of a massive design flaw that I will try to break down in this 🧵

So let’s get into it…

2/ #Solana as well as a couple other ⛓️ handle all their consensus on-chain

What this means is all validator communications are done on ⛓️ as a tx

This inflates the transaction volume as well as TPS

See the tiny pink part of the bar graph?

That’s ACTUAL transactions. 👀

3/ The teal part is validator messages/votes and typically makes up 90-95%

Crazy, right? 🤯

So when #Solana mentions they are doing 4K TPS just know less than 10% are ACTUAL transactions on the network

Transaction meaning doing a swap, sending/receiving, minting, etc 👇

4/ So why do validators send messages?

Well this is how a network determines consensus. Validators communicate and “agree” on what is proposed

So if you perform a swap the validators communicate to agree it happened and to then update your balance

Simplifying it but still…

5/ The problem with #Solana, well one of many, is they handle consensus on-chain

So all validators messages show as tx, help bog down the system, and worse…

Can’t take place when the chain is down! 😂

When the chain goes down which happens all too often…👇

6/ the validators need to go off chain to begin discussing what to do!

Where do they go? Discord! 👀

They then need 66% of validators I believe to agree on a solution to get back up

But what if many aren’t available? Maybe sleeping or just unavailable? 🤔

7/ Well this is what leads to a 20 hour outage of the network! 🤯

Relying on your validators to be available and responsive requiring extra work

All because your network gets overloaded or has bugs

#Solana just doing Solana things

8/ This is also an issue because it creates insane amounts of data for full nodes

Now most nodes only store a portion of the blockchain history because #solana uses an account based model

Only needing to store balances of accounts

BUT, every chain has many FULL history…

9/ nodes and those store the entire history of the ⛓️

In #Solana case that means millions upon millions of unnecessary validator messages!

Part of why it requires a data center to run a full history node! 🤦‍♂️

#Hedera also operates the same way which is why they have crazy #’s

10/ Sorry to break it to all the #HBARbarians but the majority of tx are unnecessary

Just as they are on #Solana

$HBAR only does around 3-5 TPS on average

All can be verified on the explorer 👀


11/ Anyways, this was about #Solana

Hopefully this helps clear things up a bit

Unfortunately this is just 1 of a handful of flaws and issues such as…

Faked TVL, misleading marketing, unaccounted for tokens

Oh, and being backed by the biggest scammer in #crypto

12/ I don’t make these threads to FUD but to help educate while learning myself

It is important to DYOR and not just follow the hype otherwise you end up buying the top or investing in a scam

Once you understand how things work you can make better decisions

Thanks for reading!

Thank you to @ClassicMain for helping break down some of the specifics for me so I can make it understandable for all 🙌

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