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Feb 27, 2023, 13 tweets

A new Pentagon budget realignment file dropped (with $3.8 billions of new orders). Again it has a lot of interesting info about what weapons have been sent to Ukraine... even though every time more and more of the orders are classified (but I have a good idea what they are).

First I want to thank @osmnactej - he keeps looking on the Pentagon website for these files every day and has found more than a dozen so far.

For an earlier thread about these Pentagon files - check out the link below:

So what is the Pentagon buying:

Medical supplies: $11m
Artillery LADS systems: $38m
Small arms ammo: $30.5m
40mm grenades: $9.2m (= about 185,000 pcs)
120mm mortar rounds: $70.9m
AT4 anti-tank rockets: $27.6m
Javelin ATGM: $188.8m

That's around 955 Javelin missiles.

155mm fuzes, primers, charges: $43m
155mm rounds: $227.1m
155mm Excalibur: $202.6m

This is the first time the Pentagon spends almost as much on Excalibur as on standard 155mm rounds. It's also more than double all of the previous Excalibur orders combined, which were $184,2m

M142 HIMARS: $489.5m

Interestingly the Pentagon splits this order in two: 18 HIMARS to replace the M119A2 105mm howitzers of one US Army artillery battalion and then 100+ HIMARS for... ??? it doesn't say for whom.

So far the Pentagon ordered an extra $480.5m in GMLRS rockets, which is around 3,200 rockets.

This time the Pentagon ordered $1,143,382,000 (!) in GMLRS rockets. But now the type of GMLRS is classified... which makes me think they ordered 7,600+ of the 150km ER-GMLRS.

Also ordered were:
JLTV: $125,7m to replace armored Humvees
FMTV trucks: $87,7m
AMPV: $800,6m to replace the 100s of M113 donated to Ukraine.

Also $53.5m for mine clearing charges.... which is interesting because until now the Pentagon had ordered only $1,4m of this item.

This makes it very obvious Ukraine is going to blast through a lot of minefields soon.

The Pentagon also ordered five additional M-SHORAD Stryker Air Defense Vehicles as replacement for AN/TWQ-1 Avengers sent to Ukraine... this order is on top of the 144 M-SHORAD Strykers the Pentagon already ordered.

Now onto the US Air Force, which is ordering three new missiles.

AIM-120D AMRAAM: $40m
AGM-158C LRASM: $105,6m
AGM-88G AARGM-ER: $62,7m

Interesting part is that Pentagon says Ukraine received AIM-120B AMRAAM air-to-air missiles - likely for the NASAMS 2 air defense system.

The AGM-158C LRASM (Long Range Anti-Ship Missile) replaces AGM-84 Harpoonmissiles given to Ukraine... which is interesting, as this is the air-launched variant of the Harpoon... so... maybe Ukraine has now integrated Harpoon anti-ship missiles on their fighters.

The AGM-88G AARGM-ER (Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile Extended Range - to the rear) is a Ramjet upgrade of the AGM-88E HARM (to the front) introduced in 2010.
AGM-88G is the world's most advanced and fastest anti-radiation missile with a 400 km range.

In short: the US Air Force is giving Ukraine excellent older missiles that are great at defeating russia, and replaces them with missles that are meant to defeat China.

And this concludes our little trip into the Pentagon budget.


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