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Mar 2, 2023, 7 tweets

On 28th Feb 2023, Soros funded orgs - HRW and Amnesty along with anti-India, anti-Hindu, USCIRF organised a "Congressional briefing". It was organised by "India Working Group". What is "India Working Group"? Read on to know more......

India Working Group (IWG) is a part of working groups created by International Religious Freedom Roundtable led by Greg Mitchell and Chris Seiple. Currently former USCIRF Commissioner Nadine Maenza is the Pres of IRF. Both IRF and USCIRF pushed US govt to declare India as CPC.

IWG is a group that brings together participants of various Multi-faith groups. IWG is chaired by Jamat-e-Islami's IAMC's Ajit Sahi, FIANCONA's John Prabhudoss, is banned from travelling to India, and HfhR's Nikhil Mandalaparthy, all linked to #SorosGang.

Co-Chair Greg Mitchell and Multi-faith Neighbours Network signed an agreement with Jews, Christians and Muslims for religious cooperation along with others. Curiously absent was #Hindu religious leaders. One of the leaders Imam Mohd. Magid is currently commissioner at USCIRF.

Chris Seiple another Co-Chair at IRF Roundtable also happens to be Templeton Religion Trust's External Advisor. Templeton Religion Trust estbd by John Templeton who was said to be an "enthusiastic Christian" and his son Jack who was an Evangelical Christian.

Seiple is a member of Council of Foreign Relations which gets funds from Soros's Open Society Foundation. CFR wrote an article linking building India's new Parliament to "promoting #Hindu nationalism" bcos of use of #Hindu symbols like lotus, peacock and banyan tree.

Templeton Prize is given to a living person who furthers John Templeton's philanthropic vision:"harnessing the power of the sciences to explore the deepest questions of the universe and humankind's place and purpose within it". The 1st recipient was Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu in 1973.

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