Adam Rifkin 🐼🌻 Profile picture
Our world needs more givers, love, and compassion. Please be kind. #FTTB

Mar 2, 2023, 5 tweets

“I want to change the world,” said Tiny Dragon.

“Start with the next person who needs your help,” replied Big Panda.

🐼 🐉 #BigPandaAndTinyDragon
#KindnessMatters #TinyDragon
#LookForTheHelpers #BigPanda

“Which is more important,” asked Big Panda, “the journey or the destination?”

“The company,” said Tiny Dragon.

🐼🐉 #BigPandaAndTinyDragon

Tiny Dragon searched and searched, but couldn’t find what he was looking for.

“Perhaps it’s already inside you?” suggested Big Panda.

🐼🐉 #BigPandaAndTinyDragon

“What is my purpose?” asked Tiny Dragon.

Big Panda paused, then said, “To sit on that stone and be with your friend.”

🐼🐉 #BigPandaAndTinyDragon

“Do bad thoughts make me a bad person?” asked Tiny Dragon.

“No,” said Big Panda. “The waves are not the ocean. The thoughts are not the mind.”

🐼🐉 #BigPandaAndTinyDragon

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