Mooncat 🌓 🐈‍⬛ ⓛ ω ⓛ Profile picture
Catspiracy Theorist/Catmedian. Scratching through Maine's OSINT litterbox and scooping out the clumps.

Mar 3, 2023, 88 tweets

Just woke up from my cat nap to see that convicted serial child fondler David Arthur Kendall is back on Twitter.

And @TheMaineWire's middle aged 4chan troll friend, Richard Coffron aka @unquirer) is excited to get involved with him. 😸

In Kendall's numerous videos, he has also admitted to molesting more children than just the one that he was convicted for.

Let's thank @TheMaineWire and @unquirer for making this pedophile feel so comfortable. 😸😸😸


And let us not forget that David Arthur Kendall was originally brought to Maine by Mike Heath, creator of the "Fa****s are Maggots tour" and former director of the Maine Christian Civic League.

An astroturfed out of state bullshit culture war has come to Maine and sickest creeps come out of the woodwork and exposing kids to exactly what they're pretending to be protecting them against. Gross.


David Arthur Kendall denies that he molested the victim he went to prison over, because the victim was "15"- he does however admit to molesting multiple other kids. #mepolitics

Wonder how long it will be before David Arthur Kendall feels comfortable enough to drive around Maine speaking at school board meetings again?


He denies abusing the kid he went to prison for, his defense being that the kid was "15". He does however, admit to molesting multiple children before becoming a born again and magically not being a pedo anymore.

Apparently convicted child fonder, David Arthur Kendall has returned to speaking to high school students. #mepolitics

David Arthur Kendall is a registered sex offender. Which high school and where was he allowed to speak to underage students? #mepolitics

David Arthur Kendall talking about high school students who he claims to communicate with via DM and Email.

"They always have a lot of questions though. And they keep good notes. My email & DMs are usually very busy after these talks."

I wonder how many people in New Hampshire are aware that a convicted serial child predator from Maine "testified" at the New Hampshire State House about the "parental bill of rights". #mepolitics #NHPolitics #NewHampshire

Just a reminder, Kendall who also claims to have been cured by God of "full blown A.I.D.S.", has a history of claiming to have been both on hormones and not been on hormones depending on who he talks to. #mepolitics #nhpolitics…

Meanwhile in NH. Between child predator David Arthur Kendall coming down from Maine to speak to the legislature and Michael "Julius Ceaser" Guglielmo, there's some major creeps coming out of the woodwork.

#nhpolitics #mepolitics

Meanwhile as Shawn McBreairty and the gang harass high school students today in Portland, his sex offender friend, David Arthur Kendall has returned from his 7 day Twitter ban, to continue bragging about speaking to HS students. #mepolitics

From Kendall's Blog.

Kendall who is a convicted child fondler, claims that he speaks to 2 - 4 high school classes a few times a year and that the parents sign waivers.

Kendall includes on his blog, statements that he claims are written by students who he Zoomed with.

Interestingly these so-called student statements are riddled with the same vernacular that Kendall uses, such as "LGBT agenda" and "brainwash".


Kendall included 4 examples from "students" who reflected almost word for word the same rhetoric that he uses himself. #mepolitics

Whether or not David Arthur Kendall is actually communicating with high school students via Zoom or if these "students" are merely in his vast and creepy imagination remains to be seen.

In any case, it's pretty weird. #mepolitics

Convicted child fondler, David Arthur Kendall, who fortunately has no children of his own, showed up at the Windham RSU14 school board meeting last night, and was given a big round of applause by parents who want to ban books.

This isn't the first time David Arthur Kendall has spoken at a school board meeting.

He has also repeatedly claimed to speak to HS classes on zoom and regularly message with high school kids who support him. #mepolitics

Kendall has a history of lying about his past. From claiming to both have been and not have been on hormones, to being "ex-gay", back to being gay again. The only thing we do know is true is his sex offender status. #mepolitics

David Arthur Kendall has reemerged in NH again, this time at a school board meeting. At no point in his speech did he mention his sex offender status. #mepolitics #nhpolitics

Serial child fondler, David Arthur Kendall has been monitoring the Windham School Board meetings since his appearance there.

Here someone reads from Kendall's self-published "autobiography" talking about Kendall's years as a trans woman.


Kendall's psuedohistory is a fantasy world. Here pretending to cry while claiming that he was hanging out in public bathrooms as an 8 year old. He's also both claimed to have been on hormones and not been on hormones depending on the audience.


Kendall's crime was just the one he was arrested and put in prison for but he's claimed to have molested more victims in the past before his religious conversion.

No mention of his sex offender status at the school board meetings he's attended. He claims to mention his crimes in his "book", but here he dismisses that crime based off the age of the victim (who he was babysitting). #mepolitics

He may or may not have been a trans woman who detransistioned, may or may not have sexually abused multiple minors, may or may not be messaging high school students. Only thing we know is true is his sex offender status. #mepolitics

Clearly David Arthur Kendall has an active and vivid imagination. It's amazing that people are bringing his book to school board meetings and holding it up as a legit example of an author with a countervailing perspective. #mepolitics

Speaking about his own alleged abuse, Kendall always tells the story that he was willingly offering himself to abusers. The central theme of Kendall's message can be seen repeatedly, he has a twisted view on children.

David Arthur Kendall is now featured in a documentary about detransition.

Kendall's backstory of being a trans woman is dubious given his conflicting HRT stories and lies such as being cured by God of "full blown AIDS".

Kendall who is in his 50's is being promoted by the documentary as being a gay man who was a trans woman for 20 years. #mepolitics

Kendall's disjointed backstory coupled with constant attention seeking is a messy mix of fantasy and reality as he's flip flopped his way through attempts at influence.


This shit is not going to age well. Looking back, we're all going to remember when an astroturfed dark money culture war came to Maine and they put a small army of creeps on the frontline. #mepolitics

Guess who showed up in Augusta to testify on LD394?

None other than Maine First Project's token serial child fondler, David Arthur Kendall.

Talk about letting the fox into the henhouse. Sheesh. #mepolitics

Kendall's testimony was a year by year tale of his life claiming that in the early 1980s he was a trans female child who was ushered into the "LGBTQ" cult. He mentions being on hormones at 14, contradicting other times he's said the opposite. #mepolitics

After his speech where he blamed being a sex offender on being forced into "the LGBTQ" cult, Rep. Barbara Bagshaw (R) and Heidi Sampson were eager for Kendall to elaborate further on his past. #mepolitics

Kendall answers Heidi Sampson's question about what's different about 30 years ago and today. Kendall says that when he was a trans kid, kids weren't as readily available to groomed but now public educators are grooming children. #mepolitics

Kendall says his school counselors in the early 80's pushed him in the LGBTQ community.

This claim is among the most ludicrous he's made.

Mind you, in the past Kendall also says he was cured by God of full blow A.I.D.S.


Kendall, who again, is a convicted child fondler, moves onto a rant about pedophile scientists creating the framework of "gender ideology".

Sampson puts the cherry on the top of the weirdest political theatre this year.

"What organizations are behind this?"

Kendall responds that Planned Parenthood is giving kids puberty blockers now because they can't provide abortions anymore. #mepolitics

Remember, David Kendall also claims that he speaks to High School classes via Zoom and to be in contact with HS students through DMs. Seems a bit like grooming.

Meet Maine GOP's new poster boy. #mepolitics

Congrats to the Maine GOP for letting a convicted child fondler wash away his sins by scapegoating public school teachers. Welcome to #mepolitics 2023.

When you get to the core of the true ideology behind the astroturfed moral panic, what's revealed is the dark truth that they forgive themselves for their own sins by scapegoating the innocent. #mepolitics

Serial child fondler, David Arthur Kendall's rhetoric is beginning to turn violent.
"it's gonna get to the point where folks gonna start hunting trans.

Convicted child molester, David Kendall showed up at the Hermon school board meeting last night with veiled threats and a rant about "guilty" staff members.

Keep in mind, David Kendall was convicted of child molestation in Florida.

Not only is he showing up at school board meetings in towns he doesn't live in, he regularly brags about speaking to High School students.

David Kendall is a child fondler with a dubious backstory claiming to be a former trans child in the 80's and there are book banners pushing his fantasies and lies as an alternative to other controversial books.


Shawn McBreairty is back to teaming up with David Arthur Kendall.

Welcome to the new normal. A convicted child molester from Florida who isn't a parent, is one of the directors of "Parental Rights Maine".


Convicted child fondler and "Parental Rights Maine" director, David Arthur Kendall is getting some major traction on Twitter sharing his extremely dubious backstory. He's got over 5K followers now.

David Arthur Kendall perpetually uses 6 or so photos from his past as evidence that he was transgender . Aside from this handful of photos, Kendall's backstory is filled will inconsistencies including claiming God cured him of full blown A.I.D.S. #mepolitics

Kendall has claimed to both been on hormones and not been on hormones as a minor, depending on the audience. David Arthur Kendall also claimed to be "ex-gay" for years before reinventing himself has a "detransitioner". #mepolitics

Interesting, apparently David Arthur Kendall claims he was caught with in a sting in a motel room with another minor after serving time for child fondling.

David Arthur Kendall always denies his guilt for the crime he committed in Florida and strangely brags about escaping punishment for other sexual crimes he committed.

Oh look, Moms For Liberty suddenly dropped convicted child fondler David Arthur Kendall's upcoming interview with them and now he's shit talking them. Wonder why they dropped him? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😸😸😸 #mepolitics

David Arthur Kendall can't help but crack a grin when @aobrien2010 asks him about his past child fondling crimes.
Immediately lying about his age when he was charged and blaming everyone else but himself.

Kendall went back to Twitter this morning to talk more.
He repeatedly has claimed that he had "full blown A.I.D.S." and here he says that he intentionally gave it to a 15 year old (who of course he says later forgave him). #mepolitics

David Kendall has claims that he had HIV at age 14 and intentionally spread it to the countless people he slept with (which in theory would include children he abused). #mepolitics

Kendall claims that he eventually was diagnosed with "full blown A.I.D.S" and put into hospice but that didn't stop him from still going out looking for action.
These clips are from his self-produced documentary from when he was "ex-gay".

David Arthur Kendall says that God cured him of "full blown A.I.D.S." and that doctors declared him a miracle.
This is the guy who the Maine GOP trotted out to testify at the statehouse yesterday. #mepolitics

Kendall who was caught with a 15 year old in 2006, also claims a similarly aged victim once forgave him for infecting them.

By the way, there is no statute of limitations on attempted murder.

Kendall has now testified multiple times at the Statehouse, mostly entertained by Rep Heidi Sampson who is directly tied to the same network that Kendall is part of including Maine First Project and Maine Stands Up. #mepolitics

Rep. Heidi Sampson's classic faux concerned tone while asking questions to David Arthur Kendall is an example of their bizarre political theatre. Its a tragic comedy with terrible actors. #mepolitics

Kendall is now getting destroyed on Twitter for posting his redemption tale about intentionally infecting a 15 year old with HIV. Told ya the Maine GOP made a deal with the devil. 😸 #mepolitics

Kendall claims that he was intentionally infecting people with H.I.V. since the 1980's, in 1995 he was charged with a lewd act upon a child and a lewd act in the presence of a child. #mepolitics .

Nowhere in his doc does he reference his crimes against minors.

He's only recently embraced his sex offender status since being outed in 22.

He says "we're born into sin" and "perversion" which adds more context to his views on minors. #mepolitcs

Believing that people are born perverted combined with his views on children manipulating adults allows Kendall to forgive himself for past abuses against children.
It's truly sick logic.

Convicted pedophile David Arthur Kendall is the "Director of Advocacy" of Parental Rights Maine??????


Is "outreach director", Michael O'Neil the same guy who claims to teach kids about sexting, who ranted about spending a whole weekend consoling his 10 year old female "friend" who he claims was bullied for being straight? #mepolitics

More on Michael O'Neil.

A person who flew to Maine to appear with David Arthur Kendall at the statehouse seem to now regret being associated with him after Trans-exclusionary feminists are now attacking him for bragging about purposely infecting minors with H.I.V. #mepolitics

Kendall is in an anti trans video called Affirmation Generation.

Now their small movement is freaking out because the "documentary" is supposed to go national and they don't know what to do about featuring a child molester. #mepolitics

The producer of the video, Joey Bright is now getting piled on by trans-exclusionary radical feminists who are really pissed that Kendall went on Twitter and bragged about infecting young boys, other men, and ultimately men's wives with H.I.V. #mepolitics

Maine GOP's serial child molesting anti-trans poster child, David Arthur Kendall is over the moon about Ron DeSantis's new law that would allow the government to kidnap trans kids and take them from their parents. Yup, that tracks. #mepolitics

Just adding this one to the David Arthur Kendall thread.

David Kendall went by "David Arthur" and never mentioned his abuses against children up until he was outed for being a convicted pedophile almost exactly 1 year ago.
And now here we are.

Guess what? Serial child molester, David Arthur Kendall is being removed from the detransition documentary he was starring and it now needs to be re-edited. 😸😸#mepolitics

And of course in his response to being booted from the doc, Kendall takes no responsibility for his sexual crimes against minors, minimizing and lying about his sex offender status, which he hid from everyone before he was outed a year ago. #mepolitics

Here's David Arthur Kendall's trailer from the documentary he's been booted from after the producers of the film were bombarded by people who are disgusted that they included a child molester. #mepolitics

The producers of Affirmation Generation are trying their best to do damage control over putting a chomo in their doc without any vetting.
Meanwhile there's a trail of media connecting them to David Arthur Kendall that will never go away. #mepolitics

Here's Parents Rights Maine doubling down on their inclusion of a convicted child molester as their Director of Advocacy. 😸

Convicted child molester, David Arthur Kendall teaming up with Qanon people who think all their enemies are child molesters. #mepolitics

Wow, looks like Shawn McBreairty is hyping an Epoch Times article featuring convicted child molester who is "Director of Advocacy" for "Parents Rights Maine".
This is the current face of the culture war that the Maine GOP has bought into. #mepolitics

David Arthur Kendall seems to following Mooncat posts and attempting damage control. Here he is continuing to downplay and deny the severity of his sex offender status for molesting a 12 year old boy. #mepolitics

Not only did Kendall get convicted for child fondling, which he blames the child for lying to police. He has also bragged about molesting other minors. Unfortunately for Kendall, he can't keep his stories straight. #mepolitics

Kendall is on the sex offender for 2 counts involving a 12 year old. Not only is there video proof of him bragging about molesting others, he just recently bragged about intentionally infecting a 15 year old with H.I.V. #mepolitics

Also, in attempt to minimize the charges, Kendall says he wasn't convicted until years later.
But according to records he appeared to be avoiding the law for several years while there was a warrant out for him. #mepolitics

David Arthur Kendall has never taken full responsibility for molesting children, instead his narrative is filled with self-forgiveness, victim blaming and absolutely zero remorse. #mepolitics

Convicted felon child molester, David Arthur Kendall is celebrating and calling for violence against LGBTQ people. He's one of multiple people in Maine, including @unquirer sharing footage from an attack in CA and encouraging it as a tactic. #mepolitics

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