Arka Bhattacharjee Profile picture
Non-SEBI | 13 years of mistakes Business Ideas - Trading Ideas -

Mar 4, 2023, 6 tweets


- Q3 - FY 23 Highlights
- Nine Months Total income in FY 22 > 57504M and 62787M in FY23
- EBIDTA > 15% and 16% for FY 22 and FY23 respectively
- Improvement in Debt to Equity Ratio & Net Debt to Equity Ratio in last 6 months till Dec

- PnL
- Debt Breakup
- Development during the Year – Execution of Concession/ Share Purchase Agreements & Financial Closures
- Annuities received since FY 21 till FY 23

- Portfolio of Road / Transmission Projects (Operational and Under Construction)
- Robust Order Book (strong pipeline of upcoming projects)
- GRIL – Core Business

- Key Milestones
- Company is committed to growth with a purpose
- Experienced and diversified Board of Directors

Historical Financial Data Overview
Historical Operational Data Overview

- Emphasis on delivering high quality results with precision & efficiency
- Maximizing operational efficiencies through vertical integration
- Extensive reach across India & a strong nationwide presence
Recognized for excellence through numerous awards & accolades in the industry

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