Caryma Sa'd - Lawyer + Political Satirist Profile picture
Lawyer. Journalist. Satirist. Protest Watcher. Tweets ≠ legal advice. RTs, likes ≠ endorsements.

Mar 4, 2023, 7 tweets

Somehow, it’s doubtful the orders to exclude me from Conservative rallies come straight from the top— frankly, I am not that important.

It probably has to do with my comics, and not the one(s) you might assume.

I believe Ivana Yelich and Brian Lilley may be the starting point.

I was not the only one turned away from Doug Ford’s campaign kickoff in May 2022.

Press secretary Ivana Yelich directed Zach to remove David Menzies and the Hat; she was the decision-maker.

Menzies flags the apparent conflict of interest between her and reporter Brian Lilley.

I started producing comics about Ivana Yelich and Brian Lilley in April 2021.

In my view, this relationship is a matter of public interest to the extent the conflict was not disclosed and Lilley heavily relies on unnamed sources to break & soften news about provincial politics.

There is no question that my comics get under Brian Lilley’s skin.

I learned as much when he exploded at me in a fit of constipated rage at the National Club.

Editorial comics are protected political expression.

I sometimes get flak for bringing up personal lives, but it’s my earnest belief that a cozy relationship between Doug Ford’s now-deputy chief and the Toronto Sun is undemocratic.

Besides, the they norms are a-changin’.

Anyway, pretty sure my #Brivana #Yelley collection is what got me “flagged.”

It always seems to come back to Brian Lilley.

📸 Mar 3, 2023

I also have a small Pierre Poilievre comic collection.

It might be grating, too.

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