Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Mar 5, 2023, 12 tweets

VIDEO THREAD: Tonight, fans of Nick Fuentes (who was kicked out of #CPAC for anti-semitism such as praising Hitler and Holocaust denial) gathered at the Residence Inn by Marriott National Harbor to see him speak across from CPAC.

The men yelled "Groyper! Groyper!" inside the……

The self-proclaimed security for the "Groypers" confronted photojournalist @zdroberts by approaching him up close and falsely whining "stop assaulting me with your camera!"

The man repeatedly misidentified him as another journalist out-loud, provoking the crowd to chant at him.

One of the men waiting to get into the "Groyper" rally showed off his suit to photog @zdroberts, noting that he wanted a "beautiful, 1930's style."

"What about the 1930's do you enjoy?" Zach asked him."

"Oh, all of it, especially the part where you all are dead," he replied.

Again, one of the masked "Groyper" security guards came outside and tried to put his hand into my camera while falsely saying "don't hit me with your camera please."

I laughed at him and called him fake news, which he retorted, as he continued this game.

He then tried the same……

Then, uniformed security and/or police came out of the Residence Inn by Marriott National Harbor as the Groyper rally took place inside and approached journalists.

"No footage!" a uniformed officer said to people standing outside. "The @Marriott doesn't want you taking……

Filming from outside the @Marriott, media could see masked "Groyper" rally security wearing a "YeIsRight" patch on his plate carrier using a handheld metal detector to search attendees before they could watch Nick Fuentes.

"Ye" refers to the artist formerly known as Kanye West,……

Back at the hotel entrance, an officer approached again telling press that to photograph, they need to back up to the curb, citing private property.

Asked if that was a @Marriott request, the officer replied "that's for me to know and you to find out."

This is my full video of the exterior of the "Groyper" rally situation at the Marriott hotel across from CPAC, where Nick Fuentes and his supporters had previously been removed over the past two days.

As always, all footage available to license.

Inside the Marriott, absent press, Nick Fuentes streamed his speech.

"You know what else has got to go, in a Christian society?" he asked his audience.

"Democracy?" one in the audience replied.

"Jews?" another guessed.

"Talmudic Judaism" was his answer, to a roar of cheers.

In another clip from his livestreamed Marriott speech, Nick Fuentes says Jewish people are "half, or two thirds, or three quarters" of various institutions.

After meandering about the other portion, he concludes, "That's a long way of saying, I love Hitler!" again to cheers.

As a clarification here: When this happened, and listening back to it, I hear "Oh, all of it, especially the part where you all are dead."

Some are saying he said "aren't there" rather than "are dead" at the end.

Frankly, he slurred a little bit either way, so it's hard to……

Only one year after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene speaking out alongside him, Nick Fuentes condemned her during his Marriott speech last night.

He defended his original support for her: "You gotta work with who you got," he explained.

"Slim pickins, alright? We said we loved……

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