Joe Murphy  🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇪☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ Profile picture
Followed by @glennkirschner2 @Thom_Hartmann @joncoopertweets @NancySinatra #NAFO 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇪 Koch Antagonizer Anti-MAGA Coalition

Mar 5, 2023, 9 tweets

Do Republicans have anything to offer the working class?

So far, all we’ve heard is that they want to turn Soc Sec over to the NY banks
& Medicare over to the big insurance companies
Suppress wages and deny union rights
#ResistanceUnited #DemCast #wtpBLUE #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

Do Republicans have anything to offer the women of America?

So far, all we’ve heard is that they want to send them to prison or administer lethal injections if they get an abortion.
#ResistanceUnited #DemCast #wtpBLUE #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

What have R's done for climate change?
Republicans are still taking $Ms from the fossil fuel barons every year and denying climate change even exists,
& actively trying to sabotage any effort to move to a green economy.
#ResistanceUnited #DemCast #wtpBLUE #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

Do Republicans want harmony between the races and the acceptance of our LQBQT?

Instead, they’re doing everything they can to encourage hate and intolerance, up to and including codifying hate into law.
#ResistanceUnited #DemCast #wtpBLUE #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

Or our children?
We are now the only country in the world in the entire world where the leading cause of children’s death is bullets,
Instead, Republicans want to “protect” our kids from books and drag queens.
#ResistanceUnited #DemCast #wtpBLUE #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

Republicans are working for autocrats, oligarchs, and dictators around the world as they try to dismantle our democracy.
Billionaires who are the hand above GOP puppets, feeding their bellies and pulling their strings.
#ResistanceUnited #DemCast #wtpBLUE #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

What Do the GOP Seditionists Offer Us Other Than Ripping America Apart & Oligarchy?…

Correction on the meme should be @Thom_Hartmann

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