Krisztina Szerovay Profile picture
💻 Product designer 👩‍🏫 Teacher on Udemy▪️ Sketching for UX ▪️ Development aspects for designers 💥 Founder of ✨ Mentor at 10X_Designers

Mar 6, 2023, 11 tweets

📚 I wrote an article about my favorite UI design books.

I’m originally a designer with a strong focus on research / UX design.

Adding UI design to my skillset has been one of my professional goals since 2017.

These are the UI design books I really appreciate: 👇

1. Refactoring UI by @steveschoger and @adamwathan
The book is full of practical, directly applicable design knowledge greatly illustrated by bad and good examples.

2. Practical UI by @AdhamDannaway
Adham’s book complements Refactoring UI really well: there are a lot of additional aspects included, for instance next to visual design, it heavily focuses on usability and accessibility, too.

3. The UI Professional’s Design Manual by @uiuxadrian
Adrian’s book is about creating mobile apps for iOS and Android, and it combines theory and practice by explaining general design topics using iOS or Android examples.

4. Making Design Decisions by @itsdesignertom
Tommy’s book provides a decision-making framework for UI design, and it is totally different from all the books on this list. As he puts it: “This book outlines a step-by-step process for making good design decisions quickly.”

Honorable mentions: there are some more UI design books I really like. Naturally, there is a considerable overlap between them, but each of them contains some gems you might want to add to your UI design treasure chest.👇

Designing User Interfaces by @michalmalewicz and @DianaMalewicz

Master UI Design Elements by @DenisJeliazkov

UI Design Principles by @MichaelFilipiuk

Read my detailed article here, I included a lot of screenshots and why I recommend these books:…

Please reach out to me if you know about a UI design book I should check out!

#uidesign #uxdesign #designbook

I'm a mentor at the @10x_designers community by @FonsMans, I teach UX research and UX design, and I've been learning a lot about UI design and visual design, join me on this learning journey here:…

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