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Mar 7, 2023, 6 tweets

▶ Evidence is growing about the link between untreated #HIV and more severe #mpox symptoms highlighting the importance of ensuring that
✅prevention and
✅treatment services
for both #HIV and #mpox reach all people in need – a 🧵👇

Worse #mpox symptoms have been reported in people who are severely immunosuppressed. This group includes some people who do not know they are living with #HIV and who are not benefitting from antiretroviral treatment.

People on effective #HIV treatment are not at any higher risk of severe #mpox - highlighting the urgent need to increase access to HIV prevention, testing and treatment services.

If you are sexually active & you don't know your #HIV status - get tested, if you can. Knowing your status is key to protecting your health, incl against the possibility of severe #mpox & other infections.
Some people may also be advised to consider PrEP to protect against HIV.

Get vaccinated against #mpox, if it is available to you & your health worker recommends it. If you have mpox symptoms or think you may have been exposed, contact a health worker & get tested. Most people recover fully from #mpox.

#Mpox can affect anyone. Stigma and discrimination related to any disease are NEVER acceptable. How we talk about diseases & the people that are affected matters.

Read our advice on how to avoid stigma & discrimination here:


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