Stefan Powell Profile picture
Exec & Leadership Coach | Father | @tfwcoffeehouse Founder | Artist @thelittleboatiow | Musician | Renaissance Cyclist | Friend

Mar 7, 2023, 7 tweets

'We' place a burden on leaders to be the best at all times, to have all the answers & to be everything to everyone (they aren't and shouldn't have to be of course).

This morning I've been discussing what it means to be a good team member & what rocking up as a good team...


...member looks, sounds and feels like.

I've loads of experience in this area but thought I'd do a quick google to see what came up. I love the simplicity of the 1st post I came across from @TalentbridgeUK

Which I visually represented in the attached image...


... which they blogged about here:…

Now it's wonderfully imperfect and provides enough of an insight to us to ask ourselves and our team members how good a team member they are - because, in my experience, a good team member is someone who steps...


...leads by example and steps in to apply their skills, expertise and commitment to the cause to create a climate in which a group can achieve a collectively desired outcome.

When a team encourages this, fosters it and thrives off this - then you don't...


...have one 'leader' you have several; who each take their turn to lead when the cause and stage of work or nature of it benefits from it.

This is 1 state of leadership I intend to cover in my leadership book. For now; where would you rate your effectiveness as a team...


...member? Remember we all are no matter our 'status'.

And where would you colleagues - rate you?

Would love to hear your thoughts


Ps - I believe there are 5 states of leadership - more to follow


#leadership #teamwork

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