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Jesus๐Ÿ™ โœซJust a vivid learner of life โœซ MRCS ( Eng) ST1 Dept of Neurosurgery #NHS โœซ #WomenInStem โœซ#WritingCommunityโœซ #TeslaCommunity โœซ #SIMSInternational โœซ #EHA

Mar 10, 2023, 12 tweets

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What is it to do with 'Happiness chemicals and Mental health ' ?


Dopamine deficiency leads to


2.Oxytocin ( Love hormones)

Oxytocin deficiency leads to


Serotonin deficiency leads to


Endorphin deficiency leads to

Please kindly consult your doctor or the therapist if you suffer with any of these symptoms for a while.

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