Emma 💛💙🇩🇰🇬🇧🇪🇺 Profile picture
A Molecular Biologist who fights misinformation. All views are my own https://t.co/Wvd4yZ7Kby https://t.co/HOpi813rSK

Mar 11, 2023, 9 tweets

What a day for the #BBC yesterday

Lost all their #MOTD presenters after @GaryLineker wouldn’t apologise for criticising the government (read that again!😱)

And while that was obviously the big story, their bad day didn’t end there….


They announced they’d wouldn’t be airing the final episode of the latest #Attenborough series on TV for fear of a “Right Wing backlash”


It will go out on iPlayer where the poor snowflakes won’t see it….


Then we had the statement about why #FionaBruce felt the need to clarify it was a “one off” when #stanleyjohnson put his wife in hospital😱

Yes, she was quoting one of their friends and not expressing her own opinion, but of all the things to ensure they clarified..?


Finally, an apology for NOT clarifying on air that Nadine Dorries was making unfounded, absurd claims when she was interviewed about #SueGray.

They were happy to let those accusations go unchallenged, but needed to add “balance” by pointing out SJ only beat his wife once!


I really want to support the BBC

Even more so because the government are so keen to shut it down (God knows why!)

I do hate the inherent right wing bias under the cover of “impartiality” but I try and give them the benefit of the doubt


But oh my God do they make that hard when they:

❌Silence govt critics
❌Refuse to air a show that might offend Right wing watchers (an Attenborough nature program FGS!)
❌Defend a Tory wife beater
❌Fail to correct spurious accusations made by a Tory MP


I really hope there are some serious emergency meetings taking place today after the shocking day they had yesterday

But given all the high level posts are held by well known Tories and Tory donors, I won’t hold my breath

Please, please #BBC, do better for all our sakes.😢


I’m being accused of lying with this thread. As far as I can tell the issue is with the Attenborough tweet.

The Guardian report what senior BBC sources have said.

The BBC are denying that’s the reason. Although they don’t really give a reason why they couldn’t broadcast it.

I don’t know which is “the truth”. Only the BBC and those senior sources do.

It was a 5 part series with a 6th part made by the same people but not commissioned by the BBC. However the BBC acquired it and chose to put it on iPlayer.

But I hope this clarifies things.

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