Joe Murphy  🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇪☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ Profile picture
Followed by @glennkirschner2 @Thom_Hartmann @joncoopertweets @NancySinatra #NAFO 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇪 Koch Antagonizer Anti-MAGA Coalition

Mar 11, 2023, 5 tweets

Biden’s Medicare plan: Retirement with dignity Republicans Medicare plan: Retire Broke

The GOP Voucher plans only weakens medicare
and is not Health Care

Once Again #DemocratsDeliver while the #GOPDestroysEverything

#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

Republicans continue to put BIG Pharma and Big Insurance over the needs of their own constituents

Once Again #DemocratsDeliver while the #GOPDestroysEverything

#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

Republicans continue to protect the morbidly wealthy over the working/middle class

Once Again #DemocratsDeliver while the #GOPDestroysEverything

#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

Republicans continue to promote the Medicare Advantage scam created by President Bush

Insurance lobbyists are already paying off GOP Lawmakers

Once Again #DemocratsDeliver while the #GOPDestroysEverything

#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

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