Jonathan Choe Profile picture
Discovery Institute Senior Fellow+Journalist. NEWS TIP:, *Vids branded "DI" represent Discovery Institute. Other views expressed are my own.

Mar 13, 2023, 7 tweets

UPDATE ON KIRKLAND: Last week, I told you about a press conference I attended at Kirkland City Hall. Multiple elected officials including Governor Jay Inslee(@GovInslee) and King County Executive Dow Constantine(@kcexec) spoke at the event.

I RSVP'd and got permission to show……

THANK YOU: @BrandiKruse may be one of the few members of the media in #Seattle and WA state who truly understands the dynamics here. She also knows I document everything and stand by all my reporting.
Bottom line, I'm a perceived threat to politicians who do not want to be……

ENTIRE PAPER TRAIL: On Wednesday March 8, I reached out to Kirkland media contact Sue Romero and told her I would show up. Prior to this email, I never met Sue in my life. So I gave her some background on my work. Under my current media fellowship at Discovery Institute, I am……

RSVP: Here’s the proof @kirklandgov gave me permission to attend the presser.

On a side note, our democracy is in trouble when journalists aren’t around to scrutinize these talking points from politicians. Sadly, not a single tv reporter from the major ……

BRANDI'S BOMBSHELL REPORT: It's all starting to make sense. Are you connecting the political dots with this behavior by some in #Kirkland? @kirklandgov
Last month, @BrandiKruse took an incredible deep dive into how some elected officials in WA are trying to ice me out of press……

COMMON DENOMINATOR: Back in September, I confronted King County Executive Dow Constantine(@kcexec) over community concerns about his HOMELESS MEGAPLEX. He tried to ram it through without consulting the #Chinatown-ID neighbors. His media handlers tried to ……

VOICE OF THE PEOPLE: All I do is simply ask questions the community wants answered. At the height of the #Chinatown-ID battle, Dow Constantine(@kcexec) refused to negotiate with the residents and was trying to RAM through his HOMELESS MEGAPLEX. I just ……

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