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Helping men get lean & transform their bodies sustainably • Coached 200+ to permanent transformations • DM me “reset” for coaching

Mar 15, 2023, 12 tweets

"Sitting is the new smoking."

Yup. If you sit more than 6 hours a day, you're destroying your body and ruining your health.

Here are 5 exercises to reverse the damages of sitting:

Why is sitting the new smoking? It leads to:

• Bad posture
• Aches & pains
• Obesity & fat gain
• Diabetes & Insulin Resistance
• Bad mood, depression & anxiety

Below are 5 exercises that will reset your body and reverse the damages of sitting:

1. 90/90 Transitions

If you have a desk job, you have a tight low back and hips.

The 90/90 Transitions will take care of that.

Aim for 20 reps total (10 per side).

2. Side-to-Side Scap Pull

Sitting stiffens the upper back, shoulders & ribcage.

This exercise strengthens AND stretches the upper back and shoulders.

Keep your feet on a box/bench to keep your spine in the correct position.

Aim for 20 reps total.

3. Glute Bridges w/ Reaches

Your glutes get weak when you sit for long periods.

This leads to poor posture and low-back pain.

Do 10 reps and use the reach to keep your abs on.

4. Wall Deadbug Holds

A weak core = poor posture.

Press your low back into the ground & your hands against the wall. Hold for 30-60s.

If this position is too hard, bring your knees closer to your chest.

5. Foam Roller Hamstring Bridge

Weak hamstrings compress the low back by placing your pelvis in an anterior pelvic tilt.

Press your feet into the foam roller, scoop the tailbone & fire the hamstrings.

Hold for 30-60s.

6. Just F***ing Walk

Your ancestors walked over 20,000 steps a day.

The average desk worker gets less than 2,000.

It's no wonder everyone's body is so messed up.

Find ways to get more steps in:

• Take the stairs
• Take calls on the go
• Buy an under-desk treadmill

Modern life makes it extremely difficult to have a healthy body.

Be intentional with how much you sit and seek ways to get more movement in throughout the day.

Your body will thank you!

P.S. @WarrenEnglish_ and I are looking for 2 men who want to:

• Move pain-free
• Shred 20-30lbs of fat
• Build 5-10lbs of muscle

In the next 90 days.

(1.5 hours a week required)

DM me "READY" and I'll send you the details.

Click to DM me 👇

@WarrenEnglish_ This is for you if you've tried to get lean in the past but have failed (results guaranteed).

@WarrenEnglish_ Thank you for reading!

Credit to David Grey Rehab for the amazing exercises.

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