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Mar 17, 2023, 6 tweets

1/4. The effects of Putin being charged over #WarCrimes by the International Criminal Court #ICC

There is one detail people are passing over in this report, and that is the charges laid against Maria Lvova-Belova for similar charges involving the……

2/4. To understand the impacts of these charges, my view is that #Putin will at best be irritated by this event as a demonstration of the West’s hypocrisy and desire for regime change. The adverse affect for the civilised world, is that this event will likely lead to a……

3/4. Maria Lvova-Belova’s charges will have the biggest impact.

That is because all of these charges are symbolic in reality. The fact that charges and accountability has been extended to a relatively low level politician and bureaucrat is critically important.

This is because……

4/4. The UN and the UNSC are for good or for worse, toothless and the institutions have been designed to fail in some respects.

Remember before jumping for joy about this event, is that one of the biggest resistors of the ICC on it’s formation was the USA, and without a united……

Just to clarify - the USA opposed the formation of the ICC - the reason relied upon is:

“Incompatibility with the U.S. Constitution
United States participation in the ICC treaty regime would also be unconstitutional because it would allow the trial of U.S. citizens for crimes……

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