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Emmy®-winning international correspondent & documentary filmmaker | DM for Line/Signal/WhatsApp | IG: michaelanthonyadams

Mar 18, 2023, 9 tweets

Happening now: dozens of journalists posted on top of shipping containers outside the Federal Courts Complex in #Islamabad awaiting the arrival of ousted #Pakistan PM #ImranKhan, who’s due to appear for a hearing in his Toshakhana case: dawn.com/news/1742489/t…

Fun fact: cannabis grows wild behind the federal court complex in #Islamabad, #Pakistan

Some 4,000 cops here from #Islamabad, #Punjab, Frontier Constabulary, etc. Multiple arrests of #ImranKhan supporters for “blocking traffic,” per LE. Huge show of force, cops being heavy handed with people who don’t seem to be doing much other than standing around in the road

After these two prisoner vans were filled with #ImranKhan supporters, they drove off and the mood has since calmed. The ousted #Pakistan PM is still apparently a couple hours out. Number of journalists matching IK backers at this point.

No shortage of conflicting messages on display here outside the federal court in #Islamabad, where cops seem to be outnumbering supporters (still) waiting for #ImranKhan to arrive for his hearing.

Things escalated very quickly outside the federal court house in #Islamabad just now. As soon as #ImranKhan’s caravan approached the entrance to the complex, tear gas canisters began to fly. Unclear what prompted cops to shoot, but stones were quickly thrown back at police.

The crowd grew exponentially with the arrival of #ImranKhan’s caravan. 20 minutes prior to their arrival there seemed to be only a few thousand. But the procession brought thousands more where thousands of cops were waiting for them.

Clashes continue outside the federal court complex in #Islamabad, #Pakistan. The tear gas has spilled into the surrounding neighborhoods. Our team has pulled back b/c we don’t have the proper PPE to stay in the middle of it.

For more coverage from #Pakistan in the coming days, make sure to follow me on IG: instagram.com/michaelanthony… and TikTok: @michael.anthony.adams —and stayed tuned to @ViceNews

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