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"in the land of the coins the man who makes it to dubai is king" (often held in The Shadows of Bǟǟn by The Brothren, you may not see me tweet unless you 🔔)

Mar 18, 2023, 8 tweets

🍴 About to dig in to the congressional report on covid relief / #PPP loan scams. @CrossRiverBank's name comes up 16 times when I ctrl-f.

Reminder this is the most important crypto bank in America. It's @Coinbase and @Circle's bank, among others.…

@crossriverbank @coinbase @circle 🧵2/Ω
@CrossRiverBank et al. "specialized in dubious loans" and "did not get better over time" as "lenders often doubled or tripled their potential misreporting rates in round 3 compared to rounds 1 and 2."

Sounds like (extremely) willful negligence. @oooitscrime

@CrossRiverBank's executives anticipated that people would try to commit #PPP / covid relief fraud early in 2020 (w/in months of American pandemic's start), and yet as noted above 👆 they issued increasing percentages of fraudulent loans (and pocketed increasing fees).

@KabbageInc, whom @CrossRiverBank chose as a partner for their #PPP lending program, was an obvious fraud.

Also funny how $CUBI, one of the other "crypto-friendly" banks also chose to partner with #Kabbage for #PPP loan issuance.

"The company you keep..."

Unsure if it was @KabbageInc, @CrossRiverBank, or $CUBI who issued large #PPP loans to

1. An orange grove in Minnesota
2. A cattle ranch on a sand bar on the Jersey shore

But it was definitely one of them. Sounds like world class compliance teams at work.

@KabbageInc approved a big #PPP loan to a company called "Deely Nuts" for "tree nut farming" in coastal New Jersey.

You really can't make this stuff up. #DeelyNuts

The congressional report identifies the fact that poor fraud controls made @Bluevine a popular avenue for #PPP loan fraud.

@CrossRiverBank has partnered with #Bluevine since 2010. 🤔

#CelticBank (also being investigated!) did similar types of loans w/some of the same sketchy partners as @CrossRiverBank and yet the rate of fraud was around *half* that at CRB.

CRB emails "did not reflect the same rigorous and consistent oversight efforts" as Celtic. 🤔

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