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May 13th 2023
Entire #PDM and Pakistan’s political leaders including #PPP, #PMLN, and their workers are blaming @PTIofficial and @ImranKhanPTI for the retaliation & aggression by workers, shown on 9th May, 2023.
They have also opened fire against the #judiciary for the greetings offered to @ImranKhanPTI
during his appearance in #Supreme_Court_Of_Pakistan.
This thread is to analyse seriousness in allegations.
In both the instances, learned leaders & their supporters are missing the main & core issue that @ImranKhanPTI was KIDNAPPED AND NOT ARRESTED, therefore, aggression/retaliation was against illegal detention & kidnapping & not against the arrest, had it was legally permissible.
Read 5 tweets
May 13th 2023
Thread 🧵
Gülen Movement by Fethulla Gülen
The Gülen movement of an alternate Islam gained influence during its alliance with conservative President Erdoğan, which saw hundreds of Gülen supporters appointed to positions within the Turkish government
Later in 2013Gulen raised corruption allegations against Erdogan’s AKP
He attempted to overthrow the Turkish government through a judicial coup by the use of corruption investigations and seized the group-owned newspaper (Zaman— one of the most circulated newspapers in Turkey) 2/
On 15 July 2016, a faction within the Turkish Armed Forces attempted a coup in Turkey
The coup leaders were linked to the Gülen movement and backed by the US where Fethulla resides himself
Events surrounding the coup attempt and the purges in its aftermath are complex 3/
Read 11 tweets
May 9th 2023
#ImranKhan's political story is complex. He is a source of tension since his launch in 2011 in a feat of political engineering to sideline two largest parties #PMLN+#PPP; failed as PM, messed up #Pakistan's economy+foreign policy. Now turns anti-military.…
After 2019, #ImranKhan relaunched himself as a religious cult. Clips of his followers comparing Khan to the Prophet and other Islamic figures abound. Fans call him Murshid, a supreme leader. Khan recently referenced his wife receiving instructions from supernatural powers.
Imran Khan was arrested in a real estate corruption case today. But he faces several other cases: sale of state gifts, a tree plantation project, a metro bus project, party foreign funding, and his American daughter's case.
Read 4 tweets
May 4th 2023
$CUBI is now one of the most exposed banks, if not the single most crypto exposed bank, in the United States. They're also relying on brokered deposits to stay solvent, meaning they have to pay the highest interest rate of any bank or risk losing their deposits.

$CUBI is running the same game as $SBNY. Not even just the same game - they're literally running the same software. #TassatPay is just rebranded #SigNET. It's the kind of platform money launderers have wet dreams about.
About $CUBI's brokered deposits game... They don't even have someone to negotiate with because #MaxMyInterest is apparently fully automated. In other words, #CodeIsLOL.
Read 10 tweets
Apr 29th 2023
Licha ya cha changamoto nyingi zilizozikumba uchumi wa Dunia Nchi nyingi za Africa zimeonyesha ustahimilivu katika ukuaji wake.E.g #Tanzania 4.6%, #Kenya 5.2% ,#DRC 8.6% n.k kwa 2022. Pongezi za Dhati kwa @mofURT @BankOfTanzania @mwigulunchemba1. Image
Uchumi wa Sub-Saharan Africa unatagemewa kushuka kufikia 3.1% in 2023 kutoka 3.6% in 2022 (IMF forecasts) kama ikishindwa kuwa 'resilient' kutokana na persistent sluggishness of the global economy na kutegemewa kupanda tena kufikia 3.7% ,3.9% kwa 2024,2025 respectively.
Kupanda huko kunategemewa kuletwa na ongezeko chanya katika uchumi wa Dunia baadaye mwaka huu huku #India na #China zikitarajiwa kuwa chanzo kikuu cha ukuaji wa nusu wa uchumi wa Dunia zikitarajiwa kukua kwa 5.4%( India) na 5.2% (China).
Read 12 tweets
Apr 22nd 2023
Analyse: Beispiel für das Phänomen der Partei-Politik-Paralyse (#PPP), durch das sich Demokratien heute in ihrer Transformation Richtung Nachhaltigkeit blockieren.
Komponenten: 1. Strukturelle Kurzfristigkeit; 2. Empiriefreiheit; 3. Demokratie als Meinungsmache
Alle demokratisch orientierten Parteien bekennen sich zu Klimawissenschaften & Rechtsstaat (sagen "A"). Dazu gehören völkerrechtliche Verträge wie das Pariser Klimaabkommen 2015 & das Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes zum Klimaschutzgesetz 2021.… 2/12
Denen ist eine Kernbotschaft gemein: heute viel schneller handeln, damit Klimaschutz chancengerecht verläuft, also ähnliche Freiheiten bei Lebensbedingungen & Versorgungssicherheit gewahrt werden. Dazu kommen wachsende ökonomische Belastungen:… 3/12
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Apr 5th 2023
Amended $MCB 🧵: $MCB's auditor Crowe LLP raised a "critical audit matter" relating to the "qualitative" & "subjective" nature of $MCB's measurements of how many loans would go bad. (@RasooliSheida made a mistake w/r/t whether it was on the $MCB site but it's still bad. Image
$MCB took a huge $35 million charge that wiped out their profits for 2022-Q4 in anticipation of getting fined civilly and possibly criminally for #PPP loan fraud of some kind.
They did that because... they're under investigation. At the very least they are gonna get hit with major civil violations, but I have a hunch it will escalate to criminal bc of the #CryptoCom/#Binance connection... $MCB
Read 15 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
I had taken a break from twitter and SM and was at peace. However the circus at the highest court has forced me not to miss this. As a #PPP supporter and a loyalist since my teens I have never heard a good news from courts. Always biased decisions were made against PPP.
After Martial Law was imposed Gen Zia said he will not arrest anyone under ML. When ZAB was arrested in Kasuri case Justice Samdani granted him bail. Two days later he was arrested under ML. Begum Nusrat Bhutto filed a petition against ML in SC. Justice Yaqoob as CJ was under
tremendous pressure not to admit her petition. CJ withstood that pressure and admitted that for hearing. Gen Zia next day through MLO reduced the retiring age of judges thus Justice Yaqoob was retired. Rest of the judges justified imposition of ML and gave powers to CMLA to
Read 15 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
@Coinbase's bank is being sued for predatory lending in a large class action lawsuit filed ~8 weeks ago.

It gets worse though... Because @CrossRiverBank is also starting to have to sue people for loans that are going bad. Financials only allow 1.6% loss. $COIN

ruh roh
@coinbase @crossriverbank 🧵2/Ω Kinda f'ed up other thread so I'm gonna copy these over here. tl;dr #seemsbad for @CrossRiverBank and $COIN.
Specific allegations about how @CrossRiverBank (@Coinbase's bank! $COIN) broke the law and allegedly defrauded a bunch of people w/predatory "debt relief" lending along with #NewCreditAmerica
Read 19 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
Here's @CrossRiverBank's details over at #FDIC. Various addresses, FDIC ID numbers, charter info, etc. in case anyone's looking to dig around.

Note that for their first 5 years they were rated "Needs to improve" as a bank.

@crossriverbank 🧵 Who else didn't know that @CrossRiverBank changed its name from #FirstFinancialBank in 2008?…
🧵 @CrossRiverBank is technically owned by #CRBGroup (seems like it's not the same as @CRBgrp?), a holding company in Fort Lee, NJ. Apparently #JoannaAlbertine is the CFO.

Here's their annual filings in NJ:…
Read 22 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
🍴 About to dig in to the congressional report on covid relief / #PPP loan scams. @CrossRiverBank's name comes up 16 times when I ctrl-f.

Reminder this is the most important crypto bank in America. It's @Coinbase and @Circle's bank, among others.…
@crossriverbank @coinbase @circle 🧵2/Ω
@CrossRiverBank et al. "specialized in dubious loans" and "did not get better over time" as "lenders often doubled or tripled their potential misreporting rates in round 3 compared to rounds 1 and 2."

Sounds like (extremely) willful negligence. @oooitscrime
@CrossRiverBank's executives anticipated that people would try to commit #PPP / covid relief fraud early in 2020 (w/in months of American pandemic's start), and yet as noted above 👆 they issued increasing percentages of fraudulent loans (and pocketed increasing fees).
Read 8 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
🧵1/Ω A few things about @crossriverbank, a tiny #a16z funded lender that originated more #PPP loans for "small businesses" than anyone besides Chase, BofA, and Wells Fargo, mostly for people who were not their customers.

Also @coinbase's preferred bank.… ImageImage
🧵2/Ω They paid @McKinsey a bunch of money to tell the world that "while most banks originated PPP loans to their own customers, Cross River leads in originations to new customers"…
🧵3/Ω Unlike other banks that blew up on "fund banking" recently (*cough* $SBNY $SIVB *cough*) @crossriverbank does their "fund banking" differently:

They package all the loans and sell them to weird "fintech" companies like @Upstart. @mikulaja Image
Read 40 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
" جنگ جاری رہے گی "
ازقلم: ( ربیل سارا )
پاکستان کی تاریخ میں زیرک سیاستدانوں کی فہرست میں سرفہرست الطاف حسین وہ نام ہےکہ جسکی شان حسینی بیان کرنےکی میری اوقات نہیں ہےمیرےقلم میں طاقت نہیں ہےاورمیری زبان میں سکت نہیں ہے
اورمیں شرطیہ کہہ سکتی ہوں کہ
کہ اس کرہ ارض میں بسنے والا کوئی انسان نہیں ہےجو قائد تحریک جناب الطاف حسین بھائی کی مکمل صفات بیان کر سکےکیونکہ الطاف حسین وہ چراغ ہیں جنکی لو سے انکی بے نام و نشان قوم کو رہبری و رہنمائی ملی،
آگاہی ملی شعور ملا
گویا شناخت ملی
قوم کو پہچان ملی
بےنام و نشان قوم مہاجر کو زندگی گزارنے کا سامان ملا، نام نہاد غداروں مہاجر ٹولوں ٹولیوں منکرین احسان فراموشوں مفادپرستوں موقع پرستوں دغابازوں کو پہچان ملی
شہر کراچی کو دوام ملا
قوم کو رہبر و رہنماء ملا دنیا بھر میں شہر کراچی کواعلی و ارفع مقام ملا۔
Read 35 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
I haven't seen an immediate impact like this from a congressional investigation in a long time

SBA suspended fintech lender support companies that were big players in the PPP & is investigating some of the major lenders that partnered w/ them
Here's the full @SBAgov press release:…
This is the House select subcommittee on the coronavirus crisis report on the role of #fintechs in #PPP fraud the SBA is reacting to:…
Read 6 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
As the people of Kashmir continue to bleed & slide deeper into abject poverty,their rulers in #AJK use those very miserable people as their justification to spend 100s of millions of taxpayers’ money to sustain their
own personal lifestyle @ the level of high luxury.
Within 16 months, AJK government purchased 164 luxury cars worth Rs. 870 million for its administrative and political elite in utter violation of rules.
Thanks to Pakistan's ruling classes for forcing thieves, freebooters and plunderers on the people of Kashmir
Read 22 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
1/ 🧵EXCLUSIVE: Thru a #FOIA lawsuit, @POGOwatchdog got data on 2.3 million #PPP loans that the Small Business Administration flagged for scrutiny, incl potential fraud

But the SBA botched its review of billions of dollars of flagged loans…
2/ There were some 4.3 million flags that SBA applied to these 2.3 million #PPP loans from August 2020 to Sept 2021 worth at least $189 billion. The flags were meant to help SBA assess whether a recipient should receive loan forgiveness
3/ But how did SBA use these flags? There were breakdowns in SBA's oversight of flagged #PPP loans, @POGOwatchdog found Image
Read 18 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
1) After 3yrs & 10 months, submitted my resignation as Policy Board member of @SECPakistan. This 🧵explains reasons why I decided to step down, with the hope that decision makers will urgently address key issues to make apex Regulator fully functional. n/1
2) I acknowledge that currnt board was constituted by @Asad_Umar as FM purely on merit. Acknowledge- included me as member PB, despite my known affiliation wth #PPP, recognising my independent thinking/objectivity. Hoping currnt FM wl follow similar policy of merit n/2
3) My opinion, board made good contribution during first two yrs in improving Commission’s efficiency & effectiveness through its oversight, policy making & advisory role in regulatory functions. Unfortunately, after change of Chairman from Mr. Mirza, to Mr. Masud Naqvi, n/3
Read 3 tweets
Jul 10th 2022
How reclamation of Ocean Land played havoc with #Karachi in general & with Defence Housing Authority in particular, learn from Town Planner & Architect Mr Arif Hasan ( via @q_Asif )

#DHA #StormWaterDrain #KarachiRains #KarachiRain #KarachiSinks #CBC #LandEncroachment #Mangroves
سمندر سے زمین ریکلیم کرکے اس پر آبادکاری سے
قریب کی آبادیاں بالخصوص اور کراچی بالعموم بارش کے دوران کیسے متاثر ہوئے ؟ جانیئے ماہر آبادیات و جناب عارف حسن صاحب سے

#DHA #StormWaterDrain #KarachiRains #KarachiRain #KarachiSinks #CBC #LandEncroachment #Mangroves
Read 148 tweets
Jun 1st 2022
A raíz del show de gritos y mentiras de ayer varios me han consultado por la obra de la variante Cañuelas y las licitaciones por Participación Pública-Privada, llamadas #PPP para rutas y autopistas que lanzamos con @mauriciomacri en 2018. [Abro hilo 👇]
Comparar los proyectos de las obras viales por PPP que licitamos en nuestra gestión con las obras que está iniciando Vialidad Nacional en su reemplazo, es una de las tantas muestras de los K pensando en un país chiquito y nuestra política de construir una Argentina grande.
Lo que comenzaría a ejecutarse son obras de no más de 20 Km de extensión, que habíamos iniciado. Se desarrollaron los proyectos ejecutivos, licitado y adjudicado y formaban parte de la construcción integral de la autopista Bs As-Azul y una nueva ruta segura Azul-Dorrego.
Read 12 tweets
May 22nd 2022
Today marks the start of #WHA75!

This week, @WHO, Ministries of Health, civil society, & more will discuss #GlobalHealth priorities.

Missing on agenda? #GlobalSurgery & 🫀 care.

Hence, I'll be sharing key points, papers, & developments in #GlobalCardiacSurgery in 75 tweets 👇 Image
(1/75) To start, what *is* #GlobalCardiacSurgery?

GCS extends far beyond OR, from community-based disease detection & efficient referral networks to timely care, long-term follow-up, robust supply chains & adequate financial risk protection. #WHA75

Read:… Image
(2/75) Why does #GlobalCardiacSurgery matter?

⚠️ Every year, 18 million people die from #CVD

🫀 500 million live with CVD; 100s of millions more to come.

🏥 Up to 1/3 will require #CTSurgery or interventional care in lifetime

Data @IHME_UW:…

#WHA75 ImageImageImage
Read 77 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
دس (10) نکاتی تفصیلی جواب:
1) ملزم کو قتل کی رات کہاں لے جایا گیا اور کیوں وہ اس نے مرنے سے پہلے خود ہی دنیا کو بتا دیا اور ہم سب کو گواہ بنا گیا، اس نظام کے بھروسے ناظم پوری رات تشدد برداشت کرتا رہا مگر MNA اور MPA صاحب کے ظلم کے آگے جھکا نہیں، اس کا پیغام آپ بھی سن لیں۔۔۔
2) ملزم کے بھائ افضل نے پولیس کو اپنے ابتدائی بیان میں تفصیلاً بتایا کہ کیسے اس نے خود MNA جام کریم اور اس کے گارڈز کو 3 گھنٹے تک اپنے بھائی #ناظم_جوکھیو پر تشدد کرتے دیکھا اور مجبوراً اپنے بھائی کو زخمی حالت میں چھوڑ کر آنا پڑا اور گھر کے راستے میں MPA جام اویس نے فون پر کیا کہا
3) دو مہینے بعد جب ملزموں کا اثر ورسوخ پھر بھڑنے لگا تو ناظم کے بھائی نے عدالت کو بیان حلفی میں یہ کہہ کر جام کریم کو معاف کیا کہ جام کریم نے حلف اٹھایا کہ وہ ناظم کی موت واقع ہونے میں شامل نہیں تھا مگر پھر بھی اس بیان پر قائم رہا کہ اس کہ سامنے جام کریم نے اس کے بھائ پر تشدد کیا
Read 12 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
بلکل ٹھیک بات کی @ShaziaAttaMarri نے کے حدود لیڈر طے کرتا ہے، @ImranKhanPTI بداخلاقی کا مظاہرہ کرتے ہیں اس لیے ان کے حمایتی بھی کرتے ہیں مگر پھر اسی طرح کرپشن کو عام کر کے، قاتلوں کو اجرک پہنا کر اور وڈیرہ شاہی کو قانون بنا کر @BBhuttoZardari اپنے حمایتیوں کو کیا پیغام دیا
۔#PPP اور #PMLN کرپشن اور اس سے کمائ گئی دولت کی فحاش نمائش, اقربا پروری پر قائم نظامِ حکومت، شہریوں کو ناکارہ بلدیاتی نظام کی بنیاد پر حقوق سے محروم رکھنا اور اپنی باری کے لئے عوامی مسائل پر اسٹیبلشمنٹ کے سامنے ہتھیار ڈالنے کا علاج صرف آپ کی شائستہ اور پروقار انداز گفتگو نہیں۔۔۔
عوام کو غصّہ انہیں پر ہے جو حکومت کرتے ہیں، یعنی فوج #PPP #PMLN اور دیگر۔ عوام میں غصّہ ایک قیمتی اثاثہ ہوتا ہے، اس کا مطلب ہے وہ ذندہ ہیں، انہیں فکر ہے، وہ ذہنی غلامی نہیں چاہتے۔ صحیح سمت میں یہ غصّہ معاشرے کے بھلائی کے لیے انقلابی طاقت بن جاتا ہے غلط سمت میں معاشرے کی بربادی۔.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 4th 2022
51/bbr #StartUps will drive the growth of modern high quality jobs in #India. Union and State Govts must ensure complete de-bureaucratisation of the business environment (eg Labor & land rules) to ensure that this happens at an accelerated pace!
Read 8 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
کسی نے سچ کہا ہے کہ "سیاست کے سینے میں دل نہیں ہوتا"

ایم کیوایم کا پیپلزپارٹی کیساتھ معاہدہ پر اپوزیشن کی حمایت کا فیصلہ۔ تحریکِ عدم اعتماد کے ضمن میں اپوزیشن کا پلڑا بھاری ہوگیا۔
#MQMP #GameOverIK #UsmanBuzdar #PMLQ #عدم_اعتماد_بیرونی_سازش #AUSvPAK…
اور اگر متحدہ قومی موومنٹ اس کا اعلان کر دیتی ہے تو میرے خیال میں عمران خان صاحب کو باعزت طریقے سے استعفیٰ دے دینا چاہیے۔
کیونکہ جمہوریت میں سادہ اکثریت کھو دینے کے بعد قائد ایوان کے پاس سیاسی اور آئینی طور پر کچھ نہیں رہ جاتا۔
#MQM #MQMP #PDMMafiaExposed #عدم_اعتماد_بیرونی_سازش
آنے والی حکومت عارضی ہو گی جو جلد انتخابات کا اعلان کرے گی۔ جس میں پاکستان تحریک انصاف سمیت تمام سیاسی جماعتیں دوبارہ میدان عمل میں ہوں گی۔

@PTIofficial @pmln_org @PPP_Org @MQMPKOfficial @JIPOfficial @ANPMarkaz @BAwamiParty @juipakofficial @BNP_Official_ @Rehbar_Taraqi #PMLQ
Read 16 tweets

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