Munir Ahmad Profile picture
PhD in Computer Science with a passion for SDI, VGI, GIS, and the integration of Blockchain, ML & AI for Spatial Data. Eager to learn and share knowledge.

Mar 21, 2023, 10 tweets

Here is a more comprehensive list of plugins for land use and land cover (LULC) analysis in QGIS. The selection of plugins depends on the specific research question and the type of data available. #gischat #geospatial #GIS #LULCanalysis #QGIS

Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP): This plugin provides a user-friendly interface for supervised and unsupervised classification of remote sensing images. It includes a wide range of classification algorithms.#gischat #geospatial #GIS #LULCanalysis #QGIS

Land Cover Classification System (LCCS): This plugin allows users to classify land cover based on a standardized classification system developed by the FAO. It includes a set of rules and guidelines for classifying land cover.#gischat #geospatial #GIS #LULCanalysis #QGIS

LecoS: This plugin provides tools for landscape ecology analysis, including habitat fragmentation analysis, landscape metrics, and connectivity analysis. It can be used to assess the impact of land use change on the landscape.#gischat #geospatial #GIS #LULCanalysis #QGIS

Zonal Statistics: This plugin allows users to calculate statistics (such as mean, minimum, and maximum) for a set of raster cells within predefined zones. It can be used to analyze the distribution of land cover classes . #gischat #geospatial #GIS #LULCanalysis #QGIS

Point Sampling Tool - a plugin that allows for the sampling of raster values at specified point locations, which can be useful for analyzing land cover in relation to point data (such as vegetation plots or water quality sampling sites).#gischat #geospatial #GIS #LULCanalysis

Earth Engine Plugin: This plugin enables users to access and analyze large-scale geospatial data on Google Earth Engine platform.#gischat #geospatial #GIS #LULCanalysis

QuickMapServices Plugin: This plugin provides a wide range of basemaps that can be used for visualizing land use and land cover information. #gischat #geospatial #GIS #LULCanalysis

Profile tool plots profile lines from raster layers or point vector layer with elevation field. Supports multiple lines as well as graph export to svg, pdf, png or csv file. Supports 3D polyline export to dxf.#gischat #geospatial #GIS #LULCanalysis

Density Analysis plugin automates the creation of density heatmaps with a heatmap explorer to examine the areas of greatest concentrations. It includes H3, geohash, and polygon density map algorithms.#gischat #geospatial #GIS #LULCanalysis

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