Aja the Empress ♀️🇬🇧🇯🇲 Profile picture
No woman has a penis No man has a vagina No one is born in the wrong body Same-sex attraction is not transphobic https://t.co/M1lE5yS5bF

Mar 23, 2023, 9 tweets

Here we have gender extremists terrorising women in Australia #LetWomenSpeakAustralia

Here we have gender extremists Senator Lidia Thorpe being dragged away by police after trying to disrupt a women’s rights event in Canberra Australia.

The gender extremists violent as they terrorise women in New Zealand #LetWomenSpeak

The gender extremists violently attack and terrorise women in New Zealand #LetWomenSpeak

More footage for #LetWomenSpeakAuckland 2023 showing a baying mob of gender extremists trying to attack women.

More footage from #LetWomenSpeak
#LetWomenSpeakAuckland showing the gender extremists attacking women.

Here we have gender extremists protesting #TheLesbianProject because they are having a meeting with no men.

Back to #LetWomenSpeakAuckland
Here we have a gender extremists punching a 70 year old woman in the face.

Gender extremists surround myself and a few other women as we are making our way to Speakers Corner for #LetWomenSpeak 26/3/23

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