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Indian-Bharatiya-Hindustani | WiP Socialist | Gandhi Bhakt | Cat Pop | Lord of Canine | Communication | Anti-caste | Sensitive Atheist | MICA

Mar 24, 2023, 13 tweets

1. There is 1 thing that #RahulGandhi is at fault completely. Personal Branding. No, not the narcissistic ways of supreme leader but the inspiring & personal stories that people of India deserve to know.
nails 3 here, listen in.

2. The infamous, inhuman & brutal Delhi gang rape case shook both the UPA at the centre & the Congress gov at Delhi. The protests in the aftermath turned into a vile personal attack against the Gandhis & Sheila Dixit led primarily by IAC gang & supported by RSS-BJP. But the story

3. of opportunistic politics that mutated genuine public anguish into personal hatred is rarely spoken of. Rarer is the mention of how #RahulGandhi stood behind the family of Jyoti Singh once the public furore had been satiated & the political ambitions met. He stood, He helped &

4. He didn’t publicise it. That’s called character & #RahulGandhi displayed it. Was it a moral blame that he took or was it because he loves his family so dearly & knows what personal loss is or was it for reasons of humanity we will never know. Because Rahul never spoke about it

5. Perhaps he should’ve, not for votes, but to tell Indians that humanity & harmony matter. In a land where lynchists are garlanded, to see a selfless act of lending a helping hand is much needed. Rahul failed in making kindness contagious.
talks about faith & I

6. agree with her that it’s a matter of personal choice. However, the congress party & #RahulGandhi should’ve spoken more about their personal faith. Why? Because the aggressive Hindutva forces forces people to come out for a public display of religious identity or be considered

7. outcasts. We needed #RahulGandhi to speak about his faith & we needed
to speak about her devotion because that would’ve made people take pride in their personal prayers & someone like me to practise my atheism with faith too. The question was never to attack

8. Hindutva. The answer was to make people be proud of who they were & how they worshipped. The mob-isation of religious identity would’ve been prevented.
Lastly, & this too me is very close to the heart,
talks about #RahulGandhi & his commitment towards women

9. empowerment. During the #BharatJodoYatra, BJP IT cell into a shameless drive in trying to tarnish the image of #rahulgandhi by spreading photographs where he was walking with women holding hands. For a civilisation that celebrates not one but 2 Navratris in a year dedicated

10. to the Mother Goddess, where the nation is cherished as Bharat Mata, where the shloka यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते, रमन्ते तत्र देवताः is quoted everytime we talk of Sanskar, a party that has stated goals to make a Hindu Rashtra, it was beyond shameless of the BJP to circulate

11. such photos trying to demean women. As an Indian & a human being if you find an iota of inappropriateness with #RahulGandhi walking with women, you should definitely get yourself conscience checked. The Cong didn’t speak much about women empowerment in contrast with Modi who

12. talks about Beti Bachao & yet is ‘seated muted’ on every act of trolldom, rape, slandering of women that takes place under his regime. We need #RahulGandhi to speak more about feminism because just photos are fodder for the godi media
We need him to speak more with the people

13. of India. In a world where misinformation is News & hatred is culture, we need a clear voice of conscience & harmony
#rahulgandhi has been defiant as a person, he can share the courage with us
@SupriyaShrinate keep speaking, India needs to know Rahul of his thoughts & vision

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