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Mar 25, 2023, 8 tweets

I have said many times before that democracy is being attacked in the country. We are seeing examples of this each day. I asked questions in the Parliament regarding the relationship between PM Modi and #Adani: #Congress leader #RahulGandhi

My speech made in Parliament was expunged, and later I wrote a detailed reply to the Lok Sabha Speaker. Some ministers lied about me, that I sought help from foreign powers. But there is no such thing I have done: #Congress leader #RahulGandhi day after his disqualification as MP

I will not stop asking questions, I will keep questioning the relationship between PM Modi and Adani: #Congress leader #RahulGandhi

I had asked only one question on #Adani... I will continue to ask questions and fight for democracy in India

This is the whole drama that is been orchestrated to defend the Prime Minister from the simple question- Who's Rs 20,000 crore went to #Adani's shell companies? I am not scared of these threats, disqualifications or prison sentences: #Congress leader #RahulGandhi

I am not interested in anything but the truth. I only speak the truth, it is my work and I will keep doing it even if I get disqualified or get arrested. This country has given me everything and that is why I do this: #Congress leader #RahulGandhi


The Prime Minister is scared of my next speech on #Adani, and I have seen it in his eyes. That is why, first the distraction and then the disqualification: #Congress leader #RahulGandhi

#RahulGandhiDisqualified #RahulDisqualified

Even if they disqualify me permanently, I will keep doing my work. it does not matter if I am inside the Parliament or not. I will keep fighting for the country: #Congress leader #RahulGandhi

#RahulGandhiDisqualified #RahulDisqualified

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