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Gay Of The Year 2023 🏳️‍🌈 👑 Taking on the #GenderLies✊🎶 True authenticity comes from accepting there’s more to you and your life than your self-perception

Mar 26, 2023, 26 tweets

1 / Went to #LetWomenSpeak at Speakers’ Corner earlier. The gender fascists had already encircled the women. The way the purple-haired young woman was tripping on her rage was so intense, I thought she was might explode #purplerage

2 / “You’ve got Nazis on your side!” she screamed as she tried to hide her face, not realising the women speaking are doing so to defend her rights as a woman

3 / Trying to drown the women out as per usual. Here @Aja02537920 is speaking. I could see her speak but couldn’t hear a word

4 / As I walked around a young woman, early 20s, scarf to cover her face, screamed right in my face. I thought her eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. What is this rage? This utter unadulterated rage? Here’s what she screamed at me…

5 / I asked a police officer why they let the gender fascists get away with having megaphones and a PA system. He said “People keep asking me that” and that was it. They were just there to make sure things didn’t escalate, but didn’t prevent what was happening at all #policefail

6 / Angry bloke with megaphone leading the chant “Our bodies, our choice!” and flipping the bird. Mate, do with your body what you want, just keep it out of women’s spaces 🤷‍♂️

7 / I guess he thinks this is ‘activism’?

8 / At this point a number of women have left and I’m in the inner circle now. The gender fascists use umbrellas as ‘shields’ and to block us. One guy with long curly copper died hair makes gestures with his fist near his mouth while holding a large rainbow umbrella

9 / I thought he was making a lewd gesture and ask him what it means. He screams at me but I can’t hear him - too much noise. I ask him a couple of times more, finally I hear “I’ll knock your f-in teeth out.” He stares me down. There’s a police officer right next to me, and I

10 / tell him. He does nothing. This mob gets away with their aggression and intimidation right under the police’s noses - it’s a joke. @LondonMetropol2 and @MayorofLondon you cool with this?

11 / Most of the women have left by now, there’s 6 of us left (3 guys including myself). The mob who had told us to go home / F off then begin to follow us. The police is still around.

12 / A man in his 50s or 60s starts giving them hell, shouting about how they are preventing free speech, asking why they don’t want to debate, why they are hiding their faces and putting umbrellas in his face. The police tell him to stop and that he’s ‘provoking’ them. He shouts

13 / back at the police that Speakers’ Corner is about free speech and how the mob undermines it. A young woman with a face mask screeches that he’s a fascist / Nazi (of course). He shouts “I’ve been a Marxist all my adult life, you are the fascists!” One bloke with bad eyeliner

14 / carries the lesbian flag - purple with the labrys. We make our way down the path with the mob to the Joy of Life Fountain. Think they were planning to do a debrief. I said “Well done for trying to silence women.” They didn’t like that.

15 / At this point it appears the police is trying to extract themselves from the situation. I can see one officer motioning to the others to move away. The 6 of us walk on, the mob follows us, chanting “scratch a terf, a fascist bleeds”

16 / “There are many, many more of us than you” they chant through their PA system. They use their umbrellas stop stop me filming them #stunningandbrave

17 / Smile, you’re on camera! 😉

18 / A couple of young Arab guys are there as well. They laugh at the mob and speak in Arabic. One asks “Are you with these freaks?” “Hell no!” I say. The police is now quite removed from us. It’s like they just sneaked away. I tell the others we better follow them as the mob

19 / will keep following us. So we walk across the grass up to where the police are. The mob stays out. @AlfUpATree wants to counter the chants of “Nazis!” and “Fascists!” by waving the peace flag. And then they come for us again…

20 / There are 3 lines of police officers. We go and stand next to them. The mob encircles us, chanting “Whose streets? Our streets!” and getting their umbrellas (and knitted rainbow) out. The police just sort of stand there, seemingly unsure of what to do

21 / “To police or not to police, that’s the question” Again I ask one of the officers why they are allowing this situation to happen. He says I can just leave if I want to… The guy with the long copper curly hair has been keeping an eye on me in the meantime. I point him out to

22 / the police officer and say “He threatened to knock my teeth out earlier, can you keep an eye on him?” Police officer says yes. Copper-haired bloke seems to enjoy this. The 6 of us agree to get out, but we’re being blocked. Copper-haired bloke blocks my way by stepping left

23 / or right when I try to move. A chubby guy blocks Alf from leaving, even though he asks him quite politely to step aside. Finally an officer tells them to make way and we leave

24 / Then off to the pub. Tbh I thought there would be a bigger crowd, but the fact the police is allowing all this to happen is unacceptable. This mob was lucky in a way that it was quite quiet at Speakers’ Corner today - could’ve turned nasty (for them) had others been around

25 / it was interesting to see how quickly some of them got scared when the man let rip about free speech needed to be protected and them hiding their faces. Just a couple more of those men may send those gender fascists packing

26 / Some screen shots of the bloke with the copper dyed hair (taken from someone else’s footage)

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