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Mar 28, 2023, 7 tweets

1/ 🚀Tokenomics 101: Unleashing the Power of Web3 💥
Ready to dive into the world of #tokenomics? This thread will cover the basics, uncover unconventional concepts, and reveal how tokens are reshaping the economy. Let's go! #Web3 #Crypto

2/ 🎯 What is Tokenomics? 🧐
Tokenomics is the study of the financial systems, incentives, and structures behind digital tokens. These tokens can represent anything from digital art (NFTs) to shares in DeFi protocols.

3/ 🌟 The 4 Pillars of Tokenomics 📚
1️⃣ Utility: Serve specific purposes
2️⃣ Scarcity: Drive demand and value
3️⃣ Distribution: Tokens reach diverse users
4️⃣ Incentives: Align for all stakeholders

4/ 🦄Unconventional Tokenomics
1️⃣ Elastic Supply Tokens: Dynamic supply
2️⃣ NFT Fractionalization: Buy & trade portions NFTs.
3️⃣ Social Tokens: Invest in & engage with stars.
4️⃣ P2E Gaming: Earn tokens in game.
5️⃣ Tokenized Real-World Assets: Tokens representing physical assets.

5/ 🤔 Embracing the Future of Tokenomics 🚀
Keep an open mind and explore the depths of #Web3. We're just scratching the surface of what's possible with tokens and decentralized finance. The future is bright! ☀️🌐

6/ 📚 Further Learning:
1️⃣ Blogs & Newsletters: @CoinDesk, @decryptmedia, @BanklessHQ
2️⃣ Podcasts: "Unchained", "Epicenter", "The Defiant"
3️⃣ Online Courses: @ConsenSysAcad, @IvanOnTech, @DappUniversity
4️⃣ Communities & Forums: Twitter, Reddit, Discord

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7/ 📢Like what you've read? For more #educational Web3 content 🫡

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