Jonathan Choe Profile picture
Discovery Institute Senior Fellow+Journalist. NEWS TIP:, *Vids branded "DI" represent Discovery Institute. Other views expressed are my own.

Mar 29, 2023, 5 tweets

SIGNS OF HOPE IN #BURIEN: At this point, the homeless know they cannot stay outside the Library & City Hall. Most of the men and women are preparing to leave by the end of the month. But where will they go? Even though Burien is in King County, neighbors say they have not seen a……

Showdown is looming in #Burien. Monday evening, frustrated biz owners and neighbors formed their own coalition, hoping to take back the city on their terms and conditions. This community is fighting back against what's ……

CITY'S RESPONSE: Right now, @Burien officials say they cannot comment on any pending litigation. Let's see if the biz owners follow through. #Burien

@Burien EVERYONE HAS A STORY AND A JOURNEY: The homeless at outside #Burien Library & City Hall are from all over the place. I met men and women from #Seattle, #Tukwila, and even #NewYork. Some want to be out here to do drugs, but others say they are ready to ……

WILL THERE BE INTERFERENCE? When crews remove the homeless on Friday, there's already concern FAR-LEFT activists will try to stop them. Will Krystal Marx(@bcckrystalmarx) show up with protesters? Will Stop the Sweeps Seattle make the trek to #Burien?

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