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₿itcoiner, Junior Engineer & Building AI & Robotic Labs #npub1c8l997847szpt6prwug6usmfl48v7afun9d4zt6f5xexhrdps45sctmg0w

Mar 30, 2023, 9 tweets

RGB on Lightning Network: Game changer for Bitcoin🧵⚡️⬇️

In the last week, the RGB-tools and Bitfinex teams showed integration with LDK, a Lightning implementation on layer 2.

#bitcoin #rgb #lightningnetwork #taproot #layer2 #layer3

RGB and Lightning Network Compatibility

When an RGB state transaction is committed into a Bitcoin transaction and like this can be part of payment channel. In simple words, each new RGB state transition can committed inside in a channel to move RGB assets.

How works? Part.1

Alice open channel with Bob providing 10k satoshis and 500 USDT. The RGB commitment is added in a dedicate OP_RETURN output. Remember: With Taproot this could also be done.

RGB and Lightning: Part.2

After commitment transaction signed by Alice is ready to be broadcast by Bob.

HTLCs output works with RGB channels too.

Game Changer on Bitcoin

Since update the applications on RGB like Bitmask, BitDEX, MyCitadel and Iris will be benefit and allow your products was present for mass adoption.

First transaction on LNP in 2020/2021: Part. 1

In 2020 and 2021 happened first transaction on LNP, a Lightning implementation from RGB, allowing send/receive and route payments. Dr. Maxim Orlovsky showed as worked.

Demo transaction in 2020/2021 (video): Part. 2

-LNP Node demo:
-LNP Node Alpha:


Well, I'm very fan of RGB even working for the first time in 2020/2021, this is great news on RGB, 'cause the assets are now "out" LNP Node. For me RGB ecosystem will growing a lot in the next years.

Resources and inspired

-RGB Lightning Sample: github.com/RGB-Tools/rgb-…

-Lightning Network compatibility: docs.rgb.info/lightning-netw…

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