R-Sync 同期🦀 Profile picture
₿itcoiner, Junior Engineer & Building AI & Robotic Labs #npub1c8l997847szpt6prwug6usmfl48v7afun9d4zt6f5xexhrdps45sctmg0w
Mar 30, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
RGB on Lightning Network: Game changer for Bitcoin🧵⚡️⬇️

In the last week, the RGB-tools and Bitfinex teams showed integration with LDK, a Lightning implementation on layer 2.

#bitcoin #rgb #lightningnetwork #taproot #layer2 #layer3 Image RGB and Lightning Network Compatibility

When an RGB state transaction is committed into a Bitcoin transaction and like this can be part of payment channel. In simple words, each new RGB state transition can committed inside in a channel to move RGB assets. Image
Jan 27, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Core Lightning v23.02: What's coming to next version of CLN? 🧵⚡️⬇️

The second implementation popular on Lightning Network is coming with great news!

#bitcoin #LightningNetwork #taproot #privacy #layer2 #p2p #peerstorage #peertopeer Image Highlights

-Peer storage;
-Bitcoin-cli getmempoolinfo to determine the lower bound feerate;
-Signinvoice to BOL11;
-RPC call interface;
-Blinded paths cross-compatibility;
-Bug fixes.
Jan 26, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Discrete Payments through Coinjoin and Nostr: Enhancing Privacy on Bitcoin⬇️🧵⛓️

The idea allows user create transactions with privacy and using Nostr encryption communication

#bitcoin #LightningNetwork #coinjoin #nostr #taproot #privacy #fedimint #layer2 #layer3 #rgb Image What's WabiSabi?

WabiSabi is a protocol for centrally coordinated Coinjoin implementations utilizing keyed verification anonymous credentials and homomorphic value commitment. Providing blind signatures in both privacy and flexibility. This protocol is used on Wasabi wallet Image
Dec 9, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
What's RGB Proxy?🧵⬇️⚡️

RGB proxy is a server done to facilitate the relay of load data between RGB wallets, having better UX for end user and also avoiding attacks of users, spammers, etc.

#bitcoin #LightningNetwork #layer2 #layer3 #rgb #taproot #utxo #privacy This feature can be used in the following workflow:

-Payee validates the content of consignment file;
-The payer pots consignment file with UTXO blinded provided by the payee in the invoice;
-The payee asks the proxy server if consignment file is associated to the UXTO blinded;
Dec 8, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
The Path to Bitcoin Finance: Bitcoin-Backed Credit🧵⬇️

The Bitcoin Finance will allow many functions to the Bitcoin and Lightning Network.

#bitcoin #LightningNetwork #taproot #taro #rgb #privacy #sidechains #bitcoincredit #bitcoinfinance Image Remember Hal Finney in 2010

Hal Finney had a vision about bitcoin-backed banks could "issue their own digital cash currency, redeemable for bitcoins."The idea was based George Selgin’s Free Banking research. Image
Dec 6, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
Lightning Developer Tools 🧵⬇️⚡️

-Channel Tools;
-Lightning Dev Kit;
-LNP Node;
-Java LND Client;
-PHP Client (LND/Core Lightning);
-LN API Paywall;

(continue below)

#bitcoin #LightningNetwork #developer #layer2 Image -Inet;
-Lightning Dissector;
-Integration testing Framework;
-NodeJs LND
-Payment Request Decoder