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Mar 30, 2023, 5 tweets

This man, risked his life and visited militant infested areas in Tripura for decades, to give courage to people.


Bikram Bahadur Jamatia

🥇Padma shri 2023 | Tripura
Social Work


Bikram Bahadur Jamatia lives in his native village Moharcherra. He has dedicated his life to uplift and protect the tribals of Tripura

During the 1990's,the 2nd phase of insurgency started rising

Bikram Jamatia traveled to the remote locations which were infested with militants

Ignoring threats n motivated the tribals to stand up against NLFT,ATTF n small insurgent groups active in Tripura.

Over the years he has promoted indigenous faith, culture and heritage, had played the role of ambassador against alleged conversion in the state’s hilly areas.

The insurgency had brought a virtual end to the development of Tripura, the govt. had to send army to tackle the militants and the Police stations were brought under Distributed Area Act.

Bikram Jamatia also heads the Jamatia Hoda, an institution that works for the rights and...

Safeguards the Jamatia clan of Tripuri community.

It was because of Bikram Jamatia's efforts and determination that we see many Tribal communities practicing their cultures and their children having a better future in Tripura.

Bikram Bahadur Jamatia

🥇Padma shri 2023

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