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Mar 31, 2023, 7 tweets

What's up, Fam!

Want to get in on the real yield action? Check out @RDNTCapital the cutting-edge de-fi platform offering omni-chain opportunities.
- You can gain passive income by staking .
- They are powered by @LayerZero_Labs and may be a criteria for possible #airdrops

✨Increase your gains with staking feature! Earn high APR by staking your assets.

✨Borrow against your staked assets to earn even more rewards (and of course, you'll pay some APR on borrowed assets). Plus, all rewards come from the fees generated!


✨Maximize your Apr by supplying LP on Eth and/or Rdnt. Just add at least 5% of your staked assets - for example, I added $26 worth of dLP for my $400 stake. The more you add, the merrier! And if you match your staked amount with dLp, boom 💥, you get the max apr.👇


✨You can also borrow various assets with leverage up to 5x. I have borrowed USDC to deposit back and earn #Rdnt in return because I trust the future price action of the token.


✨I will pay interest for borrowed USDC but earn more $RDNT. You can create your own strategy of course.


✨Why I trust the price action of $RDNT ? You can see the fees and TVL below.

@RDNTCapital is deployed on BSC 2 days ago so I am expecting more Tvl on BSC, also $RDNT is going to be listed on @binance soon.



✨If you're interested in staying up-to-date on the latest news and insights about #crypto, be sure to follow @cryptoloss_en for more content like this!

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