Aja the Empress ♀️🇬🇧🇯🇲 Profile picture
Lesbian not queer Facts not feeling Free speech for all Debate is not hate My mind is my own and I'm not afraid to use it. Blessings 🙏🏾

Mar 31, 2023, 7 tweets

Gender extremists in the USA rush/take over a building in a trans insurrection (March 2023)

Gender extremists stage a die in just days after a trans terrorists killed 6ppl including children

Here is a mob of gender extremists attacking Riley Gaines, a woman swimmer who was forced to compete against & men.


Here we have the same mob of gender extremists engaged in a hostage taking situation. They have said Riley Gaines will not be released until they are paid.

This is domesticated terrorism. This is #TransTerrorism

Article about the above two tweets where gender extremists chase attack and hold Riley Gaines hostage for standing up for womens rights.


Here is have a game made by a gender extremist. Its called Terfestine. In the game you get to kill #Terfs

Here is an example of a gender extremist openly talking about murdering 50 UK women because he has decided we are #Terfs
Women have already been murdered by gender extremists (you will find that in the 🧵 above) how long until it happens again?


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