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Jun 12th 2023
🧵 @FreyaVanadiss is attending the debate for #FiLiA. Women from @Womans_Place_UK, @SexMattersOrg, @AllianceLGB here too, as women who have been impacted by gender ideology. Been chatting to a nurse forced from her job for stating #SexMatters #MakeTheEqualityActClear #EqualityAct Image
For those unable to attend, you can watch live from 4.30pm, BST.


#EqualityAct #MakeTheEqualityActClear #SexMatters 🚻 Image
.@ToniaAntoniazzi, a member of the Petitions Committee, has been asked by the Committee to open the debate. MPs from all parties can take part, and the Govt will send a minister to respond. Follow the Committee on Twitter & join the discussion using #EqualityAct #PetitionsDebate
Read 62 tweets
Jun 11th 2023
As @sharrond62 shared earlier, her new book 'Unfair Play', written with journalist Craig Lord, is out on 22 June.

You can preorder at #OurFeministLibrary here:…

#FairPlayForWomen #SaveWomensSports #booktwt #BookTwitter 📚♀️ @fairplaywomen @DerryBanShee Image
'Unfair Play - The Battle For Womens Sport' makes the case that this callous indifference to women in sport is the latest stage in a long history of sexism on the part of sport’s higher-ups & provides the facts, science & arguments that will help us ♀️ get the justice we deserve. Image
Sharron was part of @fairplaywomen's panel 'Defending Women's Sports' at #FiLiA2022, which you can read about here:…
Read 5 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
I have avoided wading in on this topic because I don’t want to cause anyone harm. But, as a former professional athlete, and an attorney who focused on civil rights law, I feel the need to speak out.
I was a competitive swimmer growing up, training up to 6 hours per day. My heroes and role models were Shirley Babashoff, Jill Sterkel, et al. They dominated international swimming - until the 1976 Olympics. At those games, the East German women showed up completely transformed.
Their shoulders were significantly broader, and their entire physique had almost doubled in muscle mass. They absolutely slaughtered every other female swimmer. When the other women cried foul, they were harassed, belittled, and called sore losers.
Read 13 tweets
May 25th 2023
Here is another peer reviewed scientific publication, which you must have missed also @LadiesFootball when 'consulting' on your Transgender Policy.
Handelsman DJ, Sikaris K, Ly LP. Estimating age-specific trends in circulating testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin... males and females across the lifespan. Ann Clin Biochem. 2016 May;53(Pt 3):377-84. doi: 10.1177/0004563215610589. Epub 2015 Oct 5. PMID: 26438522.…
"Puberty increases in serum testosterone in males peakig at 20 years old & remaining stable thereafter until the eighth decade. In females, circulating testosterone peaked in late adolescence and declined gradually over the next two decades."
Women are not a testosterone level!
Read 12 tweets
May 22nd 2023
Here is a peer reviewed scientific publication, which you must have missed @LadiesFootball when 'consulting' on your Transgender Policy.
Circulating Testosterone as the Hormonal Basis of Sex Differences in Athletic by Handelsman, Hirschberg, and Bermon…
"Competitions have separate male and female events due to men’s physical advantages in strength, speed, and endurance so that a protected female category with objective entry criteria is required."
"From male puberty onward, the sex difference in athletic performance emerges as testosterone concentrations rise as the testes produce 30 times more testosterone than before puberty, resulting in men having 15 to 20 fold greater testosterone than children or women at any age."
Read 14 tweets
May 20th 2023
The World Table Tennis Championships are in Durban South Africa from 20-28 May
A 🧵

🏓The England team are in action this week

Good luck! to Tin-Tin Ho @TinTinHo39
The only woman representing England
#Durban2023 Image
Women are under represented in the sport and
@TableTennisENG wants to boost the numbers of women playing the game only 12% of its membership are female…
#SaveWomensSports Image
Attempts to #LevelTheTable could fall flat as anyone who identifies as a woman or a girl can play in the women’s category. WRN says that's a FOUL!

It’s time to Turn the Tables & state that women’s sport is for the female sex ONLY

#SaveWomensSports Image
Read 4 tweets
May 20th 2023
We wrote to @parkrunUK to express our concern at their policy which permits men to identify as female
Here is our letter and @parkrunUK response👇 ImageImage
Their reply is disingenuous at best!
They fail to respond to the issues raised including our example of a MALE having held the FEMALE course record at @parkrunUK for 4 years!

Astonishingly, female erasure for @parkrun is ‘inclusive! Image
Parkrun assert they are a “non-competitive socially-focussed physical activity” this is dishonest
As like competitive sports
❗️participants' times are recorded
❗️course records held ❗️@parkrun takes your time & uses the world record time for your SEX & age to produce a score
Read 5 tweets
May 15th 2023
I spoke briefly (terrifying but worth it) at #LetWomenSpeakBirmingham yesterday and although I'm worried about any backlash particularly loss of clients and work etc, I'm glad I did. As an #autistic woman who has been parroting the gender woo for a while now, I'm so worried
About what is happening in #autism services and to #autistic kids as revealed by @hannahsbee (her book was a real turning point for me, its evidenced, balanced and free of ideology) I had intense issues with my body as a pre teen. I couldn't cope with the changes of puberty. I
Can totally see the appeal of rejecting all the societal bullshit that comes with being a female, especially when you're also #autistic and moving through the world is hard enough. Except, we can't ever really reject it. 'Top surgery' and Pronouns won't take away dysphoria, or
Read 6 tweets
May 13th 2023
You may have been raised to believe women can do whatever men can do & vice versa - it was a reaction to end sexism & inequality - and in many cases that is true - but in others it is 100% NOT TRUE
Yes there are outliers & you can find a woman who is stronger than a man - however that is the exception NOT the rule. #SaveWomensSports
Our biology dictates that men have genetically MORE muscle mass & a different skeletal system, a larger heart, greater lung capacity & higher levels of testosterone - to name a few - that give them a physical advantage before they even try!
Read 5 tweets
May 3rd 2023
Ζω στη χώρα που οι άντρες τσακώνονται ποιό κόμμα στηρίζει την ελευθερία του τύπου.
Του "ΤΥΠΟΥ" που σύσσωμος έχει αποτύχει να μεταφέρει διεθνείς ειδήσεις όπως την ποινική δίωξη γυναικών που δε δέχονται απατεώνες στη γυναικεία κατηγορία αθλημάτων. 1/
Ο δεξιός τύπος (πρώτοΨέμα) αποκαλεί τους αποστάτες "ακροδεξιούς", κ ο αριστερός, κάνει ένα βροντερό ΜΟΚΟ με πέπλο σχολιασμού για θέματα ΓΥΝΑΙΚΩΝ, τα σεξιστικά λογύδρια της Ακρίτα που δεν έχει αφήσει παιδόφιλο και μισογύνη χωρίς ξέπλυμμα. 2/
Κανείς δεν αναρωτιέται πως είναι δυνατόν αντιδιαμετρικά αντίθετες ιδεολογίες (λολ) όπως ΝΔ-Συριζα κ λοιπή ΝεοΑριστερά να συμφωνούν στο μοναδικό ζήτημα που θίγει το 52% του πληθυσμού.
Αλλά ανησυχούν για την ελευθερία του τύπου. 3/
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May 2nd 2023
@mikkovedru @Anukatariina1 @EeroTM @MikaelNiku Koskettaa vain kv kilpailuja, joihin ehkä rajoituksia tulee.

Kestää vuosia ennen kuin pääsee tuolle tasolle ja monet tytöt ja naiset lopettavat, jos joutuvat kisaamaan miesten kanssa.

Lisäksi tytöt ja naiset ovat vakavassa loukkaantumisvaarassa, eikä vain kamppailulajeissa 1/ Image
@mikkovedru @Anukatariina1 @EeroTM @MikaelNiku @Olympiakomitea Jopa lentopallossa, jossa ei ole kontaktia vastustajan kanssa, on loukkaantumisvaara…

All-trans jääkiekkoturnauksessakin biologia puuttui peliin…

Biologisella sukupuolella on väliä! +/3

@Olympiakomitea #urheilu
Read 3 tweets
May 2nd 2023
Stop normalizing men having periods.

Stop normalizing men getting pregnant.

Stop normalizing men participating in women’s sports and dominating them.

Stop normalizing boys being in girls bathrooms by their assumed genders.

Stop throwing men and women into same prisons,…… Image
No such thing as Youth Attracted Person (YAP)

No such thing as Minor Attracted Person (MAP)

Both MAPs & YAPs are all pedophiles Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 30th 2023
Thread: here are 2 examples of the impact of males in the F category in UK distance running.

1. A female athlete had her club age group record taken from her by a male in 2022. In solidarity with, & support for her, a different female athlete has now taken it back. So female…
athletes are quietly cooperating to get what males have stolen from them back into female hands.

2. Since UKA banned post-puberty males from the F category on 31 March, a male has broken a UK club female marathon record, presumably under the transitional arrangements. This is
a good time which will be out of reach of all but the best females. This club has now publicly announced this new record. However, UKA’s statement of 31 March says any such results “will not count towards any record”. 👇 So female athletes now have to……
Read 4 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
My very last thread on this topic!

It turns out Sunday was not the first time Glenique Frank has run in the female category in the London Marathon.

He ran 4:45:21 in the Oct 2022 race as Glenique, in the female category, but was back to male for the NYC marathon in Nov 2022.
In Oct 2021 he ran as Glenique but in the male category. Frank has apologised - good, thank you! 🙏

I want to highlight how this case illustrates the wider problems with male inclusion in the female category.

1. AFAICT, nobody much knew about him competing in the…
F category in Oct 22. He wasn’t in the news. He quietly joined the F category, LM went along with it, & presumably none of the actual women knew their competition was unfair. LM may or may not have spotted an entry with the same DOB & same name as a year earlier, but now moved..
Read 10 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
This article about male Glenique Frank who ran London Marathon in the female category is v interesting - please read. 👇Thanks to @georgeabtsports for flagging.

1. Frank seems to think his eligibility for the female category is about passports & “I ticked female because I…
…see myself as female”. (Last night this said “felt female” but article seems to have been updated; unftly I did not keep screenshot.) In actual material reality, UK Athletics rules in force from May 2021 to 31 March 2023 determined eligibility. They required testosterone….
…suppression under 5nmol for 12 months to become eligible & then continuous suppression under 5nmol to remain eligible. Was Frank in full compliance with these rules? If not, he must be disqualified.

2. Frank says he “came out three years ago”. So April 2020. In Oct 2021 he..
Read 11 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
This male ran in yesterday’s #LondonMarathon as Glenique Frank in the female category (Mass race) finishing in 6160th place out of 20123. So nearly 14,000 actual females suffered a worse finish position bc of him.

Last month, he ran in the Tokyo Marathon, as Glen Frank, also…
in the F category, finishing 2829th out of 8609. So nearly 6000 females in worse finish position.

Last Nov, he ran the NYC Marathon as Glen Frank in the men’s category, finishing 14,096th out of 26,539.

Since 31 March, @WorldAthletics & @BritAthletics have banned….
post-puberty males from the F category. Under UKA transitional arrangements, males who had already entered races in the F category could still race. I assume this is how Frank was allowed to race ystday. Nevertheless, males in the F category is UNFAIR for females.

He says he’s
Read 4 tweets
Apr 19th 2023
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. @RobertKennedyJr officially announced his bid for 2024 presidential elections as a Democratic candidate today.

RFK is much much better than any democratic candidate in the race right now. Biden-Harris is a train wreck.

A thread on his political journey👇 Image
@RobertKennedyJr says the entire US foreign policy has collapsed under Joe Biden. He doesn’t want the Democratic Party to be the party of war, fear and censorship. We need to stand against wars, put our children first and completely negate Biden’s policies. Image
Robert Kennedy: This is what happens when you censor somebody for 18 years. I got a lot to talk about. They shouldn't have shut me up for that long because now I'm really going to let loose on them for the next 18 months.

Read 29 tweets
Apr 9th 2023
🧵Males in women's cycling - master thread🧵

"This is a tiny group of people. It's not an issue. It hardly affects anyone."

Every woman and girl at every level of competition deserves the right to race in a category free of male advantage.

#ThisNeverHappens #SaveWomensSports ImageImageImage
Jillian Bearden (Jonathan)

Former mediocre male racer who quickly had success after transitioning to the female category. Raced with the pro women at the Colorado Classic. Masters national champion. Colorado state Champion. ImageImage
Austin Killips

Went from never having raced bikes to racing at the elite level in women's road and cyclocross in just a few years. 3rd at the US National Cyclocross Championships in the women's elite. Raced @UCI_CX World Cup in Europe. ImageImageImageImage
Read 28 tweets
Apr 7th 2023
We strongly condemn the violence perpetrated against @IWF spokeswoman @Riley_Gaines_ on @SFSU campus. Riley was violently accosted, ambushed, and physically assaulted during a speech on sex discrimination women face in their own single-sex sports category.
Riley is courageous in speaking up for truth, science and common sense. She has experienced firsthand the injustice female athletes face across America in their own sport. “Inclusion cannot come at the expense of women,” said Riley in a statement to media before the campus event.
“There are other ways to accommodate trans-athletes without discriminating against female athletes,” Gaines continued in @IWF’s statement. Competitive sport is a zero-sum game, inclusion of male-bodied athletes in women’s sport inevitably denies opportunities to female athletes.
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Mar 31st 2023
Gender extremists in the USA rush/take over a building in a trans insurrection (March 2023)
Gender extremists stage a die in just days after a trans terrorists killed 6ppl including children Image
Here is a mob of gender extremists attacking Riley Gaines, a woman swimmer who was forced to compete against & men.

Read 7 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
🧑‍⚖️67 athletes & supporters in our network filed an amicus brief to #SCOTUS in support of WV’s law protecting women’s sports. This is the 1st case to come before the Supreme Court addressing today’s threat to women’s athletics.

Among the 67 female athletes...
...their family members, coaches, and sports officials who filed a brief are @Martina Navratilova, 59x Grand Slam Champion; Jennifer Sees, former NCAA track athlete, high school track coach, and parent of an NCAA soccer player; @SummerSanders_, Olympic gold medalist...
...Val Whiting @iamcoachval, National Champion, WNBA; and Jill Sterkel @jasterkel, an Olympic swimmer, former world record holder, and former UT head swim coach...
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Mar 1st 2023
#TERFと呼ばれる私達 ~トランスジェンダーと女性スペース~ という本の出版を2023/3/17に予定しています。まずは電子書籍で出します。キャンセルを避けるため媒体は現時点では非公開とします。(紙の本も出すつもりですが準備はこれからです)
Read 33 tweets
Feb 26th 2023
The full name of that €4 million EU-funded project: "Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics (RESIST)"

It defines victims of "anti-gender politics" as "women & lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex (LGBTI+) persons"
The website of the project on the EU’s Horizon funding info site says it’s getting just under €2.5million but one of the coordinators, UCD, is claiming €4 million.

They talk about the struggle for “gendered freedoms” and “gendered and sexual liberations”
It's part of a "topic" (EU Horizon funding speak) called

"Feminisms for a new age of democracy"

worth €49 million…

Read 5 tweets

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