Rishi Sunak Profile picture
MP for Richmond and Northallerton. Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 🇬🇧

Mar 31, 2023, 5 tweets

1/ At the end of the first quarter of 2023, I’m proud of the action we have taken to:

➡️halve inflation

➡️grow the economy

➡️reduce debt

➡️cut waiting lists

➡️stop the boats

This is our focus. Just this week we’ve...

2/....set out our plan to tackle anti-social behaviour.

I was in Chelmsford on Monday talking to police officers about how the plan will clamp down on offenders and make sure they are swiftly punished – so we can restore pride in the places we call home.

3/ Yesterday we launched our plan to power Britain, from Britain.

We’ve seen the terrible cost of global energy disruption, which is why investing in energy sources here at home is so important.

It won't just drive down prices, but will also create jobs and grow the economy.

4/ In the early hours of this morning we struck the biggest trade deal since Brexit as the UK joins the #CPTPP, a vast free trade area spanning the Indo-Pacific.

I’d like to thank @KemiBadenoch and our trade negotiators for securing this win for British business & growth.

5/ And last (but not least) we're taking action on potholes 🕳️

Under the new regulations coming into force tomorrow utility companies will have to resurface roads to the best possible standard once they have completed their work.

Great news for road users 🚘🚴🚶‍♀️

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