Jennifer 🟥🔴🧙‍♀️🦉🐈‍⬛ 🦖 Profile picture
Baby beginner painter trying something new. Deliberately, thoroughly, and indecently defiant. Take what you like and leave the rest.

Apr 1, 2023, 15 tweets

Why #CisIsASlur. People are starting to see it more often now. The absolute rage that the cult feels if you refuse their labels. You are instantly branded a heretic if you won’t accept the branding of the cis. 1/

It is vital to their ideology that you accept your cisgender label. Or at a minimum some other gender label. For once you have labeled yourself thus, you have now accepted the ideology into your heart. You have left behind your old words, your understanding of the world. 2/

First they will laugh at you if you refuse the cis label. They will ridicule you. They will tell you the prefix cis comes from Latin. Of course, it isn’t the prefix you object to. It’s the whole word: cisgender. 3/

They will tell you it just means you aren’t trans. Which of course is the point. It’s to force you into their ideology and to instantly other you. Women become not men. Cisgender is not transgender. You are locked into the hierarchy and you are on the bottom. 4/

You’re on the bottom bc in their ideology a victim is on top. They are angry you won’t accept the oppressor role in their oppressor/oppressed narrative. They rage at the idea that YOU might be trying to steal their victim role. Furious you won’t accept your guilt. 5/

And woe the person who won’t accept their ideology, their labeling, their world view. You are a heretic! A transphobe! A Terf! A trans exclusionary radical feminist! Someone who cannot be allowed to exist. 6/

At this point some of you are wondering WHAT does cisgender even mean? It means you accept the concept of gender identities. It is the foot in the door. It makes them them and you not them.

Do not accept their labeling. 7/

As @iainmacwhirter so aptly wrote:

If you don’t think this is vital to their ideology, just watch the unmitigated rage if you refuse the label. They punish you. They shun you. They ridicule you. If nothing else but to scare the person watching your treatment to fall in line. 9/

If you aren’t sick of my ideas yet, here is another thread about the term cisgender or cis for short.

And if you still don’t think #CisIsASlur you don’t know how they are using it against you.

Don’t buy into the othering. It’s not good for any of us.

If you won’t accept the label cisgender they will label you agender or anything else. What’s important is that you accept any gender label. It’s part of the control. It’s required for the ideology. They cannot allow anyone to be outside of the ideology.

I don’t accept labels. Once you slap a label on someone you have limited them. I am unlimited. I do not accept the labeling game.

As they say in Taoism: The Tao that can be named is not the true Tao.


Still not convinced it’s a slur? When a person labels you in order to other you and demean you, that word is a slur. In this ideology, they label you as such to call you an oppressor. An oppressor is the lowest caste and can be treated as poorly as they want. Even murdered.……

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