5 foods you think are healthy that are NOT:
1. Oatmeal
2. Peanut butter
3. Spinach
4. Chia seeds
5. Almond milk
-Oats contain significant amounts of phytic acid, a molecule that chelates minerals and prevents their absorption.
-Most of this phytic acid survives cooking (though fermentation can degrade phytic acid).
tldr: oatmeal robs you of minerals
Peanut butter:
-Major source of aflatoxin (well known carcinogen) from mold on peanuts.
-Peanut lectin is known to enter the blood stream, where it can act as a possible immune trigger...
-Peanut oil (seed oil) is ~ 30% linoleic acid = high levels of oxidation on shelves.
- Huge source of oxalates (545mg per 100g), known contributors to the most common type of kidney stones (calcium oxalate).
-Oxalate is not degraded by cooking
Chia seeds:
- Very poorly digestible by humans. Documented cases of bowel/esophageal obstruction.
- That "fun" gelatinous coating around them prevents their digestion...
Almond "Milk:"
- Many contain seed oils (canola, safflower etc.) and/or carrageenan (sulfated polysaccharide from algae implicated in gut irritation/inflammation).
- Phytic acid (as above).
- Oxalates (as above).
Getting rid of these 5 "healthy" foods could significantly IMPROVE your health!
What should you eat?
Think for yourself and be curious, but I'd recommend meat and organs as the center of your diet with some fruit/honey for carbohydrates. #animalbased
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