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@ChambiChachage https://t.co/BZqAR0JVah https://t.co/LFrGsDnakB https://t.co/cQXpCqm7Er https://t.co/gcXPvKMZhp https://t.co/uPw1wmI9A8

Apr 6, 2023, 17 tweets

"The Solomon Mahlangu Campus (SMC) initially started in April, 1979 as an educational facility for the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa being known as ANC School, Mazimbu"-conas.sua.ac.tz/historical-sit…

"Following the execution of a famous ANC freedom fighter, Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu by the then apartheid regime in South Africa, the ANC School was renamed Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College (SOMAFCO) in honor of the freedom fighter’s contribution to the liberation struggles"-Ibid.

"ANC #Nyerere Brigade women working at the Solomon #Mahlangu Freedom College - #Morogoro, #Tanzania" - sahistory.org.za/image/anc-nyer…

"George Naicker at the Solomon #Mahlangu Freedom College, Mazimbu, #Tanzania"-sahistory.org.za/node/150412

"In 1975 led by Anna [Abdallah], the Tanzanian government donated this old Sisal farm to the ANC" - sahistory.org.za/people/solomon… | #Mahlangu #Tanzania #SouthAfrica

Reflections of a Wayward Boy: Skeletons from exile days in Somafco dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-0… #Mahlangu #Tanzania #SouthAfrica

"The day independence was acquired in South Africa, freedom fighters came to celebrate the closure of the camp...I am grateful for that even Oliver Tambo asked “ Where is Mrs. Anna Abdalla? We want to see her” - sadc.int/sites/default/… #Mahlangu 🇹🇿🇿🇦 cf.iofc.ch/stories/1991-a…

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