Jayesh Mehta Profile picture
BSc LLB, Follower of Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.

Apr 6, 2023, 21 tweets

On Monday, 29th March' 2023, a Supreme Court bench, comprising of J. Joseph and J. Nagarathna, was hearing a Contempt petition in a matter related to #HateSpeech .
Going through the proceedings, one could clearly see, J. Joseph's hate and prejudices against the Hindu community..

Well, this was not the 1st case where J. Joseph's bias and prejudices against the Hindu community were on full display..And, this won't be the last case..This will continue till he retires..His bias against the Modi govt is well established..

🧵 on
I) J. Joesph's hate and prejudices against Hindu community, during the proceedings of this Contempt petition against #HateSpeech .

II) J. Joesph's antecedents, controversy surrounding his elevation to the Supreme Court, support by Left liberal cartel & Congress.


3) Framers of our Constitution have never mentioned that majority community will not have rights..They surmised that, majority community through its' sheer number enjoy its' rights.
4) If 'Go to Pakistan' is denigrating then Kafir, Heathen, Sir Tan Se Juda slogans are what?


3) SG Tushar Mehta mentioned a hate speech calling for genocide of brahmins..Instead of acknowledging that as a hate speech, J. Joseph smiled..That displayed his happiness with the call of genocide of Brahmins..

J. Joseph's anti-hindu bias was on full display..


SG mentions the video clip from Kerala wherein, a child was used to chant death calls against Hindu and Christians..
At this point, all his aggression and bravado vanished and, he sounded apologetic about hate speech by a Muslim boy from, his home state of Kerala..


1) From brazen aggression to a lame duck, pliable attitude, J. Joseph came a full circle.
2) Must applaud SG, Tushar Mehta for not letting go J. Joseph, off the hook.
3) Then, Adv. Jain cornered J. Joseph.

Unable to bear the heat, he adjrned the hearing to 28th April' 2023


1) Instead of taking hate speeches by Muslims on record, J. Joseph justified it with action-reaction hypothesis.
3) Unable to fend off SG & Advocate Jain's perseverance and persistence, J. Joseph became annoyed and could not restrain himself from having a go at Adv. Jain.


This petition of Contempt of Court in the matter of #HateSpeech being heard by J. Joseph & J. Nagarathna is a big irony, because J. Joseph & J. Nagarathna are themselves hate mongers..They make #HateSpeech within their Court room..Our CJI is conspicuous by his non action..


Let's see antecedents of J. Nagarathna..
J. Nagarathna's father E. S. Venkataramiah was appointed as #CJI in 19th June 1989, by then PM, Rajiv Gandhi.

She gave a lone dissenting judgment in #Demonetisation case.

She is also self confessed proponent of judicial over reach.


Coming to antecedents of J. Joseph..
His father K. K. Mathew was a former judge of the Supreme Court of India in 1960s..
J. Joseph was elevated to the SC by the Collegium amidst controversy, by superseding 40+ judges of High Courts.


What I can't grasp is how come SC Collegium which is very sensitive about maintaining seniority of judges recommended by them, made an exception for J. Joseph? Why the Collegium recommended his name as a judge of Supreme Court, bypassing 40 judges of High Courts?


Modi govt sent back Collegium's proposal for J. Joseph's elevation as a Judge to the Supreme Court..Then, law minister @rsprasad gave a detailed explanation to the Collegium..
Modi govt approved the elevation of Sr. advocate, Ms. Indu Malhotra as a judge, to the SC..


As soon as the decision of Modi govt stalling elevation of J. Joseph came into light, Kapil Sibal, instantly called for a press conference and supported J. Joseph's elevation..If that wasn't enough, 100 lawyers led by Congress and it's main supporter Indira Jaising, filed+


+a petition in the Supreme Court requesting it to stall the elevation of Senior advocate, Indu Malhotra, as a judge of the Supreme Court; pending the elevation of J. Joseph as a judge of the Supreme Court..The lobby tried to exert pressure on the CJI..
But, CJI stood firm.


Few of judgments of J. Joseph are controversial..
1st in #Rafale case, he along with two senior judges, unanimously cleared Modi ji, from all the corruption charges, in acquisition of, Rafale fighter planes..However, when a review petition was filed, he authored a+


+dissenting judgment..

2nd, in recent case of, appointment of election commissioners..
1) He conveyed to the AG, that the bench was not against the Govt..
2) Within 3 months, J. Joseph and his 4 brother judges, passed a judgment contrary, to their earlier assertion..


2 of the main factors, which J. Joseph cited for including the LoP and #CJI in the EC selection committee were, Secularism and anti-majoritarianism..

How these 2 factors had role to play in selection of Election Commissioners?
It's beyond my capacity of understanding..


Soon after Rahul Gandhi's disqualification from Lok Sabha, while hearing the case of NCP's disqualified MP from Lakhsadweep, PP. Mohd Faizal, J. Joseph made this observation..

J. Joseph did not make such observation any time before, Rahul Gandhi's disqualification.


During #EC case proceedings, J. Joseph remarked-
"A person who is in state of obligation..fails the nation.."

If J. Joseph believes in highest standard of ethics and propriety, he would not have heard a case wherein, Kapil Sibal was representing any party..


J. Joseph should have recused himself from the case, wherein Kapil Sibal represented a party..

In view of J. Joseph's professional misconduct as well as lack of moral terpitude, as shown in above tweets, he doesn't deserve to dispense justice & must STEP DOWN.


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