Sig Chri 🇺🇦 🇦🇹 Profile picture
In Freedom we trust!

Apr 8, 2023, 11 tweets

1/ #NAFO #Austria #Österreich This interview with David Stockinger is my new personal favorite. After this I don’t ask anymore if he wants to be western citizen or a Russian.…

2/ that is the full Anti NATO &Anti Europe rant. He even describes NATO as the biggest security risk in the view of a Russian citizen or Duma member.

3/ He is literally talking about all Russian influence areas we already see and full of state coup propaganda.

4/ So as per David Stockinger we should raise our voices for the Serbs.

5/ „There is no independent Kosovo“ and „Kosovo is a NATO EU colony“! That is disgusting. I want to remind you that this is an Austrian politician.

6/ „As Long as EU countries wage war“ and „as long neoliberalism“ rules.

7/ so he advices Eastern Europe states not to join EU. That what’s the Kremlin ordered?

8/ I don’t comment it anymore as it scares me.



11/ That is disgusting!

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